Keyword Frequency Trends
This word cloud examines the keywords found in Portal’s database of resources, and displays them proportional to how frequently they are used in the library of research. Click on a keyword to view the list of articles associated with each specific tag.
service learning employability internship Engineering service-learning Assessment higher education Reflection learning experiential learning Australia accounting education curriculum technology New Zealand evaluation education international COVID-19 graduate attributes satisfaction arts student liberal competency training career development coordinator science co-op coordinator South Africa placements reflective practice Professional Development pedagogy skills workplace learning faculty liberal arts benefit practicum ethics self-efficacy program attitude cooperative work-based learning work placement experiential service placement quality internships mentoring clinical education Sport professional identity qualitative research Germany co-operative learning retention Generic skills STEM communication professionalism employer curriculum design secondary experiential education action research soft skills teacher education integration job job satisfaction social justice perception wages Authentic assessment entrepreneurship apprenticeship Work experience rural development grounded theory partnership risk innovation Employment qualitative transition supervision university medical education exercise science cost business WIL collaboration gender differences career interprofessional education Interdisciplinary program evaluation nursing education project e-Portfolio employability skills case study graduate employability nursing international exchange accountability vocational education school Undergraduate participation United Kingdom GPA Student placement career development learning leadership student-centered motivation social work methodology accounting team academic performance Research graduate outcomes institutionalization Simulation Information technology Postsecondary lifelong learning authentic learning non-placement WIL
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