Co-Authorship Trends

The visual below shows the relationships between resources, the authors, and their affiliated institutions. View the colour legend and hover over the dots to reveal more information, such as the article name (dark blue), author (light blue) or institution (orange). This interactive data visualization also allows you to click and drag any of the dots to visually represent the interconnectedness of co-op research around the world.

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ArticleWrote ArticleWrote ArticleWrote ArticleWrote ArticleWorks AtWrote ArticleWrote ArticleWrote ArticleWrote ArticleWorks AtWrote ArticleWrote ArticleWrote ArticleWrote ArticleWorks AtWrote ArticleWorks AtWrote ArticleWorks AtWrote ArticleWrote ArticleWorks AtWrote ArticleWrote ArticleWrote ArticleWorks AtWrote ArticleWrote ArticleWorks AtWrote ArticleWrote ArticleWrote ArticleWrote ArticleWrote ArticleWrote ArticleWorks AtWorks AtWrote ArticleWorks AtWrote ArticleWorks AtWrote Article A public health service-learning capstone: Ideal for students, academia and community Assessing the impact of a short-term service-learning clinical experience on the development of professional behaviors of student physical therapists: A pilot study Development and validation of a future ready talent framework Developmental relationships matter: Examining the joint role of supervisor support and mentor status on intern outcomes Illuminating undergraduate experiential and situated learning in podiatry clinical placement provision at a UK school of podiatric medicine Implementing and evaluating a blended learning format in the communication internship course Table of Contents and Editor's Notes Using data mining methods for research in co-operative education"But how do we assess it?" An analysis of assessment strategies for learning through participation (LTP)"But I thought you were doing that": Clarifying the role of the host supervisor in experience-based learning"Co-op Day”: A job development strategy to benefit students, employers, and educational institutions"Co-op Rating": An alternative to co-op grading"Draw the thing as you see it”: The faculty’s role in program evaluation"Getting them while they’re full of beans," etc."Go west young man!" Youth apprenticeship and opportunity structures in two Canadian provinces"If you want to have a future and a life, do an apprenticeship": The expectations and realities of tradesmen's transition to adulthood"It didn't seem like race mattered": Exploring the implications of service-learning pedagogy for reproducing or challenging color-blind racism"No, I'm not the secretary": Using participatory methods to explore women engineering students' experiences on co-op"You can't escape it": Bullying experiences of New Zealand nursing students on clinical placement'The Analytical Club': A unique cooperative education link between industry and academia'Tools of trade': Supporting consistency in processes related to work-integrated learning (WIL)(How) Do work placements work? Scrutinizing the quantitative evidence for a theory-driven future research agenda“I want to work for my people” – Towards a specific model for Indigenous work-integrated learning“It is a superpower!” Being Maori enhances employability“Making the Connection”: Aggregate Internship Data as Direct and Indirect Measure Informing Curricula and Assessment“Managing with my heart, brain and soul”: The development of the Leadership Intelligence Questionnaire“You Are Learning Well My Dear”: Shifts in Novice Teachers’ Talk About Teaching During Their Internship10 years later…Are rotational field placements working?A close look at co-op creditA 20-Year Examination of the Perceptions of Business School Interns: A Longitudinal Case StudyA 360-degree assessment model that fosters professional skills development in Doctor of Physical Therapist studentsA behavior focused assessment of co-op performance: A comparison of co-op and non-co-op graduating studentsA behaviour focused assessment of co-op performance: A comparison of co-op and non-co-op studentsA brief overview of program evaluationA call for professional preparation of the college coordinatorA career education model: Study skills as a motivational factor for student success in school and on the jobA case for standardizationA case of service-learning and research engagement in preservice teachers' educationA case study for consensus building and innovation in the traditional university: The expansion of cooperative education at Drake UniversityA case study of an experiential learning and graduate placement partnership between the South Africa Automotive Industry Development Centre (AIDC) and the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU)A case study regarding the implementation of an innovative experiential learning portfolio in human resource managementA close encounter of the co-op kindA co-op coordinator’s critical success factors for program developmentA collaborative framework for enhancing graduate employabilityA College President Looks at Cooperative EducationA Comparative Examination of Student Teacher and Intern Perceptions of Teaching Ability at the Preservice and Inservice StagesA comparative study of co-op and non co-op community college drafting graduates: A research noteA comparative study of cooperative education and work-integrated learning in Germany, South Africa, and NamibiaA comparative study: Challenges and opportunities for European Union dual vocational training systemsA comparison between the management models of WIL for the Interior Design qualification in universities abroad and universities in South AfricaA comparison of Australian and American cooperative education studentsA comparison of cooperative education graduates with two cohorts of regular graduates: Fellow entrants and fellow graduatesA comparison of employers of cooperative work experience education programs on the secondary and post-secondary education levelsA comparison of intergenerational service-learning and traditional pedagogy among undergraduate psychology studentsA comparison of the effects of study abroad and international student internship experiencesA comparison study of the academic progress of the cooperative and the four-year studentA comprehensive database of New Zealand cooperative education programsA continuum for global citizenship: Analyzing the complex transformations of service-learning. A cooperative education model for promoting oral health and primary care integration within a health care for the homeless programA COVID-19 work-integrated learning strategy for entrepreneurial mindset reflections: Case study in MexicoA critical analysis of interpretive research studies in cooperative education and internshipsA descriptive study of co-op/non-co-op attitudesA design plan for objectively managed cooperative education programA dietetic clinical educator enhances the experience and assessment of clinical placementA early look at the career ready internship programA four component model of cooperative educationA framework for managing the impacts of work-integrated learning on student quality of lifeA frontier yet to be explored: Are we ready?A functional model for skills development in law studentsA graduate sandwich programme for practicing administrators: A Canadian experimentA guide to providing social support for apprenticesA job development approach to the large-scale employerA lifespan perspective on cooperative education learning: A grounded theoryA lifespan study of cooperative education graduates: Quantitative aspectsA longitudinal study on internship effectiveness in vocational higher educationA look at cooperative vocational education from the federal levelA look at the future of cooperative educationA methodology for implementation of service learning in higher education institution: A case study from faculty of computer science and information technology, UNIMASA model cooperative education program for a four-year collegeA model for assessing the learning benefits in cooperative educationA model for determining the wage strength of a cooperative education programA model for integration of co-op education and the classroom in data processingA model mentoring program for co-op studentsA model to operate an on-campus retail store for workplace experiential learningA multiple case design for the investigation of information management processes for work-integrated learningA new model for cooperative education in the liberal arts and sciencesA new model of clinical education to increase student placement availability: The capacity development facilitator modelA perceptual study of the importance of identified cooperative education coordinator tasks and preferred organizational formatsA plan for the future: A ghost from the pastA policy framework for work-integrated learningA preliminary analysis of the earning of sandwich course studentsA program evaluation of an apprenticeship program using Stufflebeam's CIPP modelA public research university and cooperative educationA reflection on cooperative education: From experience to experiential learningA regional WIL model: Sharing a new approachA relational understanding of learning: Supporting Indigenous work-integrated learning studentsA release time formula for cooperative education faculty/coordinatorsA review and synthesis of scholarly research in cooperative education and internships: Part I. An analysis of quantitative research published outside theA review of a cooperative education model for non-traditional studentsA review of an internship model for hotel and restaurant management studentsA review of research on unpaid internship legal issues: Implications for career services professionalsA review of the situation of service-learning in higher education in SpainA road to relevanceA speed-networking model for facilitating interprofessional education and work-integrated learningA study of changes in intellectual development from freshman to senior year at a cooperative education collegeA study of coordinator beliefs about the student-coordinator relationshipsA study of how coordinators of cooperative education programs perceive their roleA study of outcomes-oriented student reflection during internship: The integrated, coordinated, and reflection based model of learning and experiential educationA study of selected characteristics of cooperative engineering studentsA study of strategic planning practices in cooperative educationA study of students' assessment of cooperative education outcomesA study of the ethical orientation of co-op studentsA Study of the M.Ed. Internship Programme Perceived by Student Teacher EducatorsA study on modern apprentice training of Chinese packaging engineering based on collaboration theoryA summary of documented employer benefits from cooperative educationA summary of the critical requirements for the coordinatorA survey of recent engineering graduates: The relationship of cooperative education to job factorsA survey of the cooperative work experience education program: Fresno City CollegeA systematic approach to the evaluation of the student experience in work-integrated learningA systematic review of work-integrated learning for the digital economyA systems approach to examining co-operative education: A case studyA team theoryA thematic approach to realize multidisciplinary community service-learning education to address complex societal problems: A-win-win-win situation?A thought on "soupping-up" cooperative education by emphasizing "payoffs"A university-based literacy service-learning program for youthful offenders on probation: A preliminary study of the program's development, implementation and feasibilityA university-museum partnership for creative internships in cultural technologyA University–Museum Partnership for Creative Internships in Cultural TechnologyA work-based curriculum for cooperative education studentsA work-integrated learning (WIL) framework to develop graduate skills and attributes in an Australian university's accounting programAcademic credit for cooperative educationAcademic credit for cooperative education: A survey of AACSB accredited institutions in the United StatesAcademic credit practices in experiential educationAcademic credit: A case at handAcademic learning for sport management students: Learning through engaged practice Academic performance and work experience: An Australian cooperative experienceAcademic professional development: Benefits of a pracademic experienceAcademic quality in internships: Field supervisors' account of the value of theory in practiceAcademic workload implications of assessing student learning in work-integrated learningAcademic yearnings: Cooperative responsesAccess and direction for non-traditional cooperative education studentsAccessing professional artistry: The importance of cooperative education and the limitations of classical researchAccountability and assessment in experiential educationAccountability under H.E.A., Title VIIIAccreditation/certification of engineering and engineering technology programsAchieving the partnership principle in experiential learning: The nonprofit perspectiveAcknowledgementsAcknowledgements and welcomeAcquisition of graduate attributes through the service learning pedagogy: The case of the University of BotswanaAcross the big pondAction learning in sport cooperative educationAction-research approach: Building capacity and enhancing work-integrated learning curriculaAddressing the indirect trauma of social work students in intimate partner violence (IPV) field placements: A framework for supervisionAddressing the needs of the changing workplace through the School-to-Work Opportunities Act: Collaborative effort in curriculum development, teacher training, career services, and mentor trainingAddressing the weak link: Enhancing support for the sponsors of student placements in cooperative educationAdult learning as recursive processAdvantages and disadvantages of international co-op placements: The students' perspectiveAdverse health events associated with clinical placement: A systematic reviewAffirming professional identities through an apprenticeship: Insights from a four-year longitudinal case studyAligning reflection in the cooperative education curriculumAll of us together in a blurred space": Principles for co-creating curriculum with international partnersAmerican apprenticeship as a transformative learning experience: A phenomenologyAmerican leaders in cooperative education revisitedAmerican leaders in cooperative education: An oral historyAmplifying Indigenous student voice in work-integrated learningAn alternating co-op program from start to permanenceAn alternative model of community service learning: Students, community, and instructors learning from each otherAn alternative to the numbers gameAn analysis of co-op student employer costs and benefitsAn analysis of faculty members' and employers' rating of attitudinal characteristics of cooperative education students in the Western United StatesAn analysis of faculty members' and employers' ratings of non-technical employment qualities of cooperative education students in the Western United StatesAn assessment model for cooperative education program planning, managing, and marketingAn assessment of the quality of a work-integrated learning internship program in KenyaAn education spectrum: From school, to work, to school and back againAn emerging ecosystem for student start-upsAn employer description of a model employer cooperative education programAn employer evaluation of a cooperative education programAn employer speaks outAn evaluation model for a comprehensive cooperative education programAn evaluation of cooperative work positions in a College of BusinessAn evaluation of the Marymount College Cooperative Experiential Education ProgramAn expanding rationale for cooperative educationAn experiential study of career development in cooperative and non-cooperative education liberal arts studentsAn exploration of employer perceptions of graduate student employabilityAn exploration of the pedagogies employed to integrate knowledge in work-integrated learningAn exploration of transfer of learning opportunities in an online co-operative education preparatory curriculumAn exploratory investigation of college students' views of marketing internshipsAn exploratory investigation of liberal arts cooperative education programsAn industrial view of cooperative educationAn innovative cooperative programme for higher degrees by researchAn innovative multidisciplinary model for work placement assessmentAn integrated model for the evaluation of work placementsAn integrated project of entrepreneurship and innovation in engineering educationAn interdisciplinary exploration of collegiate internships: Requirements for undergraduate and graduate programs.An international comparison of the effect of work-integrated learning on academic performance: A statistical evaluation of WIL in Japan and Hong KongAn internship experience for nontraditional adult students at Texas State University: Occupational educationAn intervention to enhance the supervision of health science students who struggle during work placementsAn investigation into the possibility of a growing trend in cooperative education: "Reverse cooperative education"An investigation of entry level characteristics between co-op and non-co-op studentsAn organization overview of pedagogical practice in work-integrated educationAn overview of infusing service-learning in medical educationAn urban experience: Perceptions of pre-service teachers in an inner city charter schoolAnalysing the world of work's requirement with the aim of enthusing companies about cooperative educationAnalysing the world of work's requirements with the aim of enthusing companies about cooperative educationAnalysis of cooperative education as a work/education joint ventureAnalyzing ranking strategies to characterize competition in the co-operative education job marketAnalyzing student and employer satisfaction with cooperative education through multiple data sourcesAnd it happened this wayAndragogical teaching patterns appropriate for work-integrated learning in the information technology industryAndragogy: Adult-learning cooperative educationAnything that starts with a "C": Combining co-op and career servicesApplication of academic learningApplying a conceptual model in sport sector work-integrated learning contextsApprenticeship and cooperative education: Results of a national surveyApprenticeship for "liquid life": Learning in contingent work conditions for contingent employmentApprenticeship in brief: A discussion paperApprenticeship in science research: Whom does it serve?Apprenticeships and community colleges: Do they have a future together?Apprenticeships: In New Orleans and LouisianaApprenticeships: Useful alternative, tough to implementApproaching critical service-learning: A model for reflection on positionality and possibilityAre students who do not participate in work-integrated learning (WIL) disadvantaged? Differences in work self-efficacy between WIL and non-WIL studentsAre unpaid internships just as valuable? A comparison of U.S. work integrated learning students’ perceptions of paid and unpaid experiencesAre we on the move? Projects versus internshipsAre work-integrated learning (WIL) students better equipped psychologically for work post-graduation than their non-work-integrated learning peers? Some initial findings from a UK universityArt therapy, community building, activism, and outcomesArticulating the learning: Professional practice made explicitAsking questions of experienceAssessing business student internships for external accreditation: A case studyAssessing experiential learning and adapting co-op to adults: Lessons from CAELAssessing for work integrated learning experiences: A pre-service teacher perspectiveAssessing outcomes of cooperative educationAssessing student outcomes in fieldwork placements: An overview of current practiceAssessing the contribution of internship in developing Australian tourism and hospitality students' management competenciesAssessing the immeasurables of practiceAssessing the power of social media marketing: A cooperative educational learning experienceAssessing the value of cooperative educationAssessing Vertical Development in Experiential Learning CurriculumAssessing workplace-based learningAssessment methods for service-learning projects in engineering in higher education: A systematic reviewAssessment of a supervised industrial attachment of a technical and vocational teacher education program in GhanaAssessment of Internship Effectiveness in South Italy UniversitiesAssessment of student outcomes from work-integrated learning: Validity and reliabilityAssessment of the effectiveness of engineering and engineering technology curricula in the context of student work performance: A quantitative approachAssessment of work based learning: Some lessons from the teaching professionAssessment of workplace learning: A frameworkAt half the valueAustralian cooperative educationAuthor Index for Volumes XIX-XXXIIAutomotive workforce transition: Implications for cooperative education practiceBeating burnout: An antidote for students and facultyBecoming a part while apart: Building professional identity and membership when working and learning remotelyBecoming productive 21st century citizens: A systematic review uncovering design principles for integrating community service learning into higher education coursesBecoming professional: examining how WIL students learn to construct and perform their professional identitiesBefore, during, and after: International perspective of students' perceptions of their cooperative education placements in the tourism industryBeginners' guide for applied research process: What is it, and why and how to do it?Benefits and barriers of participation: Experiences of applied research projects in integrated water resources managementBenefits to host organizations from participating in internship programs in BotswanaBetter prepared, better placement: An online resource for health studentsBeyond dichotomization: A different way of understanding work-integrated learningBeyond employability: Work-integrated learning and self-authorship developmentBeyond Federalism: Regional representation without urban dominanceBeyond regular employment contexts: The transferability of pay, satisfaction and performance linkages to internshipsBlack College Graduates Transition Project: A longitudinal studyBlended Delivery and Online Assessment: Scaffolding Student Reflections in Work-Integrated LearningBlended Learning at the Boundary: Designing a New InternshipBlending community service and teaching to open vision care and eye health awareness to university studentsBlood, sweat and tears: Youth work students on placement and 'good WIL'Book review: An antioch career: The memoirs of J. Dudley DawsonBook review: Educating the deliberate professional: Preparing for future practicesBook review: Education for practice in a hybrid space: Enhancing professional learning with mobile technology 2019Book review: Higher education in East Asia: Neoliberlaism and the professoriateBook review: Research methods in education, 7th editionBook review: The economics of cooperative education: A practitioner's guide to the theoretical framework and empirical assessment of cooperative educationBook review: Work integrated learning: A guide to effective practiceBridging didactic, interdisciplinary service learning and practice in health professions education: Students' perspectivesBridging the gap between Australian pathology and university education: Student perceptions of a career pathway in medical laboratory scienceBridging the gap between learning at work and in the classroom through a structured post-placement seminarBridging the gap between students' academic and work experiences: A model for improved career developmentBridging the gap: The use of learning partnerships to enhance workplace learningBringing work-integrated learning to the classroom through learning simulationsBritish sandwich coursesBuilding an excellent foundation for research: Challenges and current research needsBuilding capacity for work-readiness: Bridging the cognitive and affective domainsBuilding interprofessional student teams for impactful community service learningBuilding multi-target commitment through work-integrated learning: The roles of proactive socialization behaviors and organizational socialization domainsBuilding pathways to working with collections: Can internships and student work experience help?Building successful internships: Lessons from the research for interns, schools, and employersBurnt out by underinvestment: Why university professional staff suffer amidst the Australian work-integrated learning systemBusiness and education: Partners for the futureBusiness education and cooperative education: The unlimited partnershipBusiness graduate competencies: Employers' views on importance and performanceBusiness students' experience of community service learningC is for cancerCambridge and the lifelong sandwichCampus non-disturbance and cooperative educationCampus perceptivesCan collaboration and competition co-exist? Building a cross-institutional community of practiceCan university-industry linkages stimulate student employability?Canada's industry-university co-op education accreditation system and its inspiration for the evaluation of China's industry-university-institute cooperative educationCanadian views on kinesiology cooperative education programsCancellation of indigenous Australians from the apprenticeship training contractCareer counselors as engineering cooperative education coordinators (what difference does it make?)Career development and planning in a cooperative education programCareer development: A four-year program in a cooperative business schoolCareer education and work experience education: Can we join together?Career identity and its relationship to participation in a cooperative education programCareer maturity: Effects of secondary school cooperative educationCareer mobility for the working adult student through cooperative educationCareer progression of cooperative education graduatesCareer success and student satisfaction: A study of computer science cooperative education graduatesCase study: Establishing a social mobility pipeline to degree apprenticeshipsCases as boundary objects: Transfer and authenticity in work-integrated learningCause analysis of attrition in the cooperative education program at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityCaution - women at work: Women's Studies in the cooperative education environmentCEA excellence: Many opportunities ahead?CEIA 2006 Conference ProceedingsCelebrating 10 years of undergraduate medical education: A student-centered evaluation of the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre—Determinants of Community Health Year 2 ProgramCentral University of Technology students’ perceptions of work integrated learning: An interactive qualitative analysisCentralized management: Developing a solid foundation for cooperative education experience programsChallenges and opportunities for cooperative educationChallenges facing technical institute graduates in practical skills acquisition in the Upper East Region of GhanaChallenges implementing work-integrated learning in human resource management university coursesChallenging racism and white privilege in undergraduate theology contexts: Teaching and learning strategies for maximizing the promise of community service-learningChange management in cooperative education: The expansion and development of Title VIII Comprehensive Large Scale ProgramsChanges in job satisfaction for successive work termsChanges in the assessment of work-integrated learning in Botswana for vocational education and training students as a result of the COVID-19 pandemicChanging students' perceptions of the homeless: A community service learning experienceChanging times in higher education: An empirical look at cooperative education and liberal arts facultyCharacteristics of a critical care clinical placement programme affecting critical care nursing competency of baccalaureate nursing students: A structural equation modellingCharter Meeting - DetroitCharting new frontiers: A conceptual framework for online students in Drexel University's Master of Science in Higher Education Graduate Co-opChina's university-industry partnership, cooperative education, and entrepreneurship education in a global contextChoices of methodology for cooperative education researchersClass [re]union: Course corrections in response to co-op employer feedbackClinical Placement Quality Survey–Student (CPQS-S): A tool to evaluate allied health placement qualityClosing the "knowing-doing gap" at the United Arab Emirates UniversityClosing the skills gap: A comprehensive work-based learning model developed through partnerships among manufacturers, community colleges and high schools in Northeast OhioCo-op and community psychology: A model course for integrating co-op and academics in a liberal arts collegeCo-op and the professional society - Can they complement one another?Co-op as a basis for creditCo-op education and university relations - Cooperation in educationCo-op employment in community agenciesCo-op is education: Lessons learned, but not in schoolCo-op legislation passes in ArkansasCo-op news, 1992: Speculation on the futureCo-op site visitation and beyondCo-op versus non-co-op revisitedCo-op versus regular student attitudesCo-op week: A venture in academic and corporate learningCo-op: A future for the disabledCo-op: An insider's thoughtsCo-operative education and student recruitment, engagement and success: Early findings from a multi-institutional study in British ColumbiaCo-operative education in times of high unemployment: A Cape Technikon perspectiveCo-operative education: An educational strategy with links to experiential and connected learningCo-oping the recreational industry: A case study in effective employer developmentCo-ops and non-co-ops at NASACo-opting a shared approach with Pacific communities via an internship initiative and a sporting organizationCognitive style differences between cooperative and non-cooperative education undergraduates: Some preliminary findingsCoherence, dissonance, and personal style in learning to teachCollaborative delivery of work-integrated learning to Indigenous Australians in a remote communityCollege goals for cooperative educationCollege/university coordinators' perceptions of quality indicators for co-op/internship sitesCollision of collaboration?Combining quality work-integrated learning and career development learning through the use of the SOAR model to enhance employabilityCombining service and learning: An introduction for cooperative education professionalsCome-from-behind victory for cooperative educationComments on "Deliberate apprenticeship in the pediatric emergency department improves experience for third-year students."Communal reflections on the workplace: Locating learning for the legal professionalCommunication to strengthen connectivity for integration across learning sites: Teachers’ purposes and approachesCommunications in co-op field supervisionCommunity action research track: Community-based participatory research and service-learning experiences for medical studentsCommunity college cooperative education - An end to apology!Community college field placement internships: Supervisors' perspectives and recommendationsCommunity service learning as critical curriculum: Promoting international students' second language practicesCommunity service learning: An ethical proposal for teacher educationCommunity service learning: Pedagogy at the interface of poverty, inequality and privilegeCommunity service learning: Successfully engaging Emirati business studentsCommunity service scholarships: Combining cooperative education with service learningCommunity service-learning in graduate planning educationCommunity-based access to apprenticeship: An Indigenous work-integrated learning modelCommunity-based research projects: A new educational link experience for academia and industry in Rio Negro, ArgentinaCommunity-based service-learning: Partnerships of reciprocal exchange?Company orientation for co-opsComparative cooperative education: Evaluating Thai models on work-integrated learning, using the German Duale Hochschule Baden-Wuerttemberg model as a benchmarkComparative curriculum analysis of mechanical engineering technology programs at Purdue University and the National Taipei University of TechnologyComparing the impact of two internship experiences on student learningComparison between employers' and students' expectations in respect of employability skills of university graduatesComparison of retention rates of first and second year co-op and non-co-op students at a small liberal arts collegeCompensations of cooperative education studentsCompetence, autonomy, and purpose: The contribution of cooperative educationCompeting stakeholder understandings of graduate attributes and employability in work-integrated learningCompulsory versus optional co-operative programsCompulsory work-integrated learning: A solution for equity degree propositioning and future proofingComputer placement of undergraduate cooperative studentsComputerised Accounting Software; A Curriculum that Enhances an Accounting ProgrammeComputerizing a co-op management information systemConceptual framework for workplace problem solvingConceptualizing service-learning in Christian higher educationConcerns and issues of cooperative educationConclusion: The common connectionConflict and change in cooperative educationConstraints to the effective implementation of vocational education programme in private secondary schools in Port Harcourt Local Government Area.Construction of an instrument to measure effectiveness of placement settings and experiencesConstructive questioning as a part of cooperative educationContexts of work-integrated learning in schools for pre-service teachers: Experiences of field placement in ZimbabweContributions of service-learning on PETE students' effective personality: A mixed methods researchContributions of work-integrated learning programs to organizational talent pipelines: Insights from talent managersContributors (Volume 24)Contributors (Volume 25, Issue 2)Contributors to this issueConventional, remote, virtual and simulated work-integrated learning: A meta-analysis of existing practiceCooperative and work-integrated education in Asia: History, present and future issuesCooperative education - Promises and pitfallsCooperative education advisory councils: Characteristics and contributionsCooperative education and academia: When does the partnership come of age?Cooperative education and agricultural universities in ChinaCooperative education and beyond: Meeting the needs in the liberal artsCooperative education and degree creditCooperative education and general education: A partnership with potentialCooperative education and job satisfactionCooperative education and student career identityCooperative education and the academy ad hoc committee on cooperative education and the curriculumCooperative education and the benefits to industry in a changing environmentCooperative education and the development of human resourcesCooperative education and the developmental modelCooperative education and the engineer of todayCooperative education and the federal governmentCooperative education and the federal nexus: Two decades of federal supportCooperative education and the humanities: Tensions and opportunitiesCooperative education and the liberal arts: The Thomas More College responseCooperative education and the world of businessCooperative education and work attitudes: A positive relationshipCooperative education as a component of an international exchange programCooperative education as a delivery system for the SCANS workplace competencies and foundation skillsCooperative Education Association - Its futureCooperative education at Detroit EdisonCooperative education at Riyadh College of Technology: Successes and challengesCooperative education at the Riyadh College of Technology: Successes and challengesCooperative education at the Tshwane University of Technology: A new direction for work-integrated learning and employabilityCooperative education at the University of Iowa: The evolution of a comprehensive liberal arts programCooperative education can be a realityCooperative education for liberal arts disciplinesCooperative education for the 1980sCooperative education for the 90's and beyondCooperative education for the futureCooperative education from a teacher’s perspectiveCooperative education from high school through college: A new approachCooperative education grants: Round twoCooperative education in accounting and businessCooperative education in CanadaCooperative education in law: Case study of a British modelCooperative education in SingaporeCooperative education in Spain: Its history and present situationCooperative education in the community collegeCooperative education in the higher education system and Big Five personality traits in GermanyCooperative education in the liberal artsCooperative education in the social sciences and humanities for colleges implementing new programsCooperative education in the Swedish contextCooperative education in the United States of America: An historical perspectiveCooperative education internationallyCooperative education internship seminarsCooperative education interventions aimed at transferring new technologies from a developed to a developing economy: Germany/South African collaboration in the automotive industryCooperative education makes gain in placement pictureCooperative education meets the needCooperative education must relate to different educational philosophies to be successfulCooperative education needs help in strengthening placement imageCooperative education needs teacher educationCooperative education objectives at Governors State University: Description and analysisCooperative education orientation conference for non-participating employersCooperative education program characteristics and program sizeCooperative education program strategies and student career development in business and engineering curriculaCooperative education programs in marketing: A descriptive studyCooperative education through a large scale industry-school partnershipCooperative education today: A reassessmentCooperative education vs. clinical affiliation in physical therapyCooperative education wins place in placement statistical pictureCooperative education: A design for accountabilityCooperative education: A powerful instrument for development and peaceCooperative education: A social contract for economic renewalCooperative education: A state level viewCooperative education: A strategy for work force redeploymentCooperative education: An academic liberal arts programCooperative education: An educational gold mineCooperative education: Bridging the transfer gapCooperative education: Factors that predict successCooperative education: Foundation of progressCooperative education: Insuring academic soundnessCooperative education: Looking backwardsCooperative education: Preparation for lifeCooperative education: Some Jamaican experiencesCooperative education: Some pluses and minusesCooperative Education: Supporting and guiding ongoing developmentCooperative education: The case for the nameCooperative engineering and industry at HarvardCooperative experiential education programs: The effect of their structureCooperative international engineering educationCooperative learning: The federal sceneCooperative programmes in mathematics at the University of WaterlooCooperative programs: Especially beneficial for women?Cooperative students in the classroomCooperative work placement: Educating monolingual gatekeepersCoordinators! Organize your time!!!Coping with cooperative work experience education in CaliforniaCost and the craving for novelty: Exploring motivations and barriers for cooperative education and exchange students to go abroadCounselling prospective engineering co-opsCounting the cost, reconciling the benefits: Understanding employer investment in higher apprenticeships in accountingCourse prerequisites for personnel cooperative education studentsCreating a better tomorrow: Teaching applied cultural anthropological research by reimagining service learning and community engagementCreating inclusive co-op workplaces: Insights from LGBTQ+ studentsCreating shared value through service-learning in management educationCreativity as a desirable graduate attribute: Implications for curriculum design and employabilityCredit for experiential learning: The CAEL approachCredit seminars for co-op studentsCriteria for the evaluation of cooperative education programsCritical acts of becoming in teacher practicum: Evidence from student-teacher memoir of apprenticeship in public schools in Rio de JaneiroCritical assessment issues in work-integrated learningCritical elements in cooperative education programs: A comparison of U.S. and Canadian perspectivesCrystallization and congruence: Implications of cooperative education experiences upon the career development processCultivating constructivist science internships for high school students through a community of practice with cogenerative dialoguesCultivating cooperation for expanding progressCultural identity transforming work-related learningCurating work-integrated learning: "Taking care" of disciplinary heritage, local institutional contexts and wellbeing via the open educational resources movementCurrent issues and trends of cooperative education in Texas post-secondary institutionsCurriculum innovation in undergraduate accounting degree programmes through “virtual internshipsDe-walling the high school: Experiential learningDecentralized Sequenced Instruction (D.S.I.)Decide and recycle - service learning in liberal education courseDeciding access to work-integrated learning: Human resource professionals as gatekeepersDefining the business marketing strategy for higher education recruitment planningDegree and higher level apprenticeships: An empirical investigation of stakeholder perceptions of challenges and opportunitiesDegree apprenticeships: An opportunity for all?Delayed enrollment and student involvement: Linkages to college degree attainmentDeliberate apprenticeship in the pediatric emergency department improves experience for third-year studentsDemographic and attitudinal trends: The increasing diversity of today's and tomorrow's learnerDepicting the possible self: Work-integrated learning students' narratives on learning to become a professionalDesigning financial support for students in Australian work-integrated learning programsDesigning work-integrated learning placements that improve student employability: Six facets of the curriculum that matterDetermining best practice from graduate employability: A work integrated learning case study in hospitality managementDetermining the need for cooperative educationDeveloping a collaborative model of industry feedback for work placement of business studentsDeveloping a hierarchical structure for assessing cooperative education programs from intellectual capital perspective: A case study in TaiwanDeveloping a measure of student attributesDeveloping a taxonomy of institutional sponsored work experienceDeveloping a work-integrated learning model adjusting to Construction 4.0 conceptsDeveloping an experiential learning program: Milestones and challengesDeveloping an institutional evaluation of the impact of work-integrated learning on employability and employmentDeveloping an objective structured clinical examination to assess work-integrated learning in exercise physiologyDeveloping an online learning community for engineering, cooperative-education students: A design-based research studyDeveloping and delivering a culturally relevant international work-integrated learning exchange for Indigenous studentsDeveloping best practice for cooperative and work-integrated education: Lessons from Germany, Australia and South KoreaDeveloping community minded professionals through a comprehensive career development and internship programDeveloping critical thinking skills and effective co-operative international accounting degree programs in ChinaDeveloping faculty support for cooperative education through participation and evaluationDeveloping global standards framework and quality integrated models for cooperative and work-integrated education programsDeveloping global-ready graduates: The CANEU-COOP experienceDeveloping graduate career readiness in Australia: Shifting from extra-curricular internships to work-integrated learningDeveloping graduate employability skills and attributes: Curriculum enhancement through work-integrated learningDeveloping on-campus work-integrated learning activities: The value of integrating community and industry partners into the creative arts curriculumDeveloping professional expertise in the knowledge economy: Integrating industry-based learning with the academic curriculum in the field of information technologyDeveloping the conditions for co-op students' organizational commitment through cooperative educationDeveloping the next generation of civic-minded neuroscience scholars: Incorporating service learning and advocacy throughout a neuroscience programDeveloping the next generation of community-based researchers: Tips for undergraduate studentsDeveloping tomorrow's manager todayDeveloping your own graduate employees: Employer perspectives on the value of a degree apprenticeshipDeveloping, implementing, and evaluating a Latino service learning project in an accelerated MPH community health course for health education studentsDevelopment of a competency-based work-integrated learning program to facilitate science, engineering and technology retention in South Africa as a developing countryDevelopment of a measure for predicting learning advancement through cooperative education: Reliability and validity of the PLACE ScaleDevelopment of a rubric for identifying and characterizing work-integrated learning activities in science undergraduate coursesDevelopment of an integrated common support structure for the administration of cooperative education: Presented from a South African perspectiveDevelopment of learning outcomes assessment methods for co-operative education programsDevelopment of real work learning opportunities in community exercise prescription for healthcare professional programmes - 'Physio Hub'Development relationships matter: Examining the joint role of supervisor support and mentor status on intern outcomesDevelopmental trajectories of competency attainment amongst clinical psychology trainees across field placementsDewey's pragmatism: A philosophical foundation for cooperative educationDewey's theory of experience: Implications for service-learningDid federal policy on postsecondary service-learning support community social capital?Differences in the emotional intelligence between undergraduate therapy and business students and the population normsDifferential experiences of women and minority engineering students in a cooperative education programDirect mail as a market strategy for corporate employersDirections for the futureDispelling stereotypes in a multicultural co-op environmentDiversity lends creativity: Parallel cooperative educationDiversity, work and education: A case for experiential learning during times of changeDocumenting communication and thinking skills through co-op student reportsDocumenting Teacher Candidates’ Professional Growth through Performance EvaluationDoes alternating and parallel programmatic structure make a difference in student outcomes?Does volunteering improve well-being?Dominant issues in cooperative educationDriving social mobility? Competitive collaboration in degree apprenticeship developmentEarly environmental field research career exploration: An analysis of impacts on precollege apprenticesEarly work outcomes of co-op and non-co-op engineers: A comparison of expectations, job level, and salaryEconomics and business faculty development in a transition economy: The case of VietnamEconomics and business faculty development in a transition economy: the case of Vietnam  Editorial commentsEditorial Note: New directionsEducation and training for the workplace: Workplace-readiness skillsEducation and work in the future: Implications of innovative practiceEducation is not to fill a vessel but to ignite a flameEducation toward the year 2000Educational outcomes for students in cooperative educationEducators in Industry: An Exploratory Study to Determine how Teacher Externships Influence K-12 Classroom PracticesEffect of cooperative education on institutional loads and productionEffect of long term placements on academic performance of co-op studentsEffective employer engagement practices: Observations from select technology apprenticeshipEffectiveness Of Internship Practices By Students Of Medical Services Vocational Schools Of Higher EducationEffects of cooperative education on student adaptation to universityEliciting feedback from cooperative education training sponsorsEligibility requirements for work-integrated learning programs: Exploring the implications of using grade point averages for student participationEmbedding of authentic assessment in work-integrated learning curriculumEmployability Skills of International Accounting Graduates: Internship Providers' PerspectivesEmployer assessment of a cooperative education programEmployer benefits and cost effectiveness of cooperative education programs: A reviewEmployer benefits of, and attitudes toward postsecondary cooperative educationEmployer characteristics in a large-scale cooperative education programEmployer comprehension of the University of Houston co-op programEmployer evaluation of high school work experience programsEmployer expectations of future requirements for cooperative education studentsEmployer experience with the recruitment of cooperative education employees: An analysis of costs and benefitsEmployer experience with the work performance of cooperative education employeesEmployers perspectives about hiring students from international pathwaysEmployers' perception regarding employability skills of management students undergoing internshipEmployers' perceptions of the benefits of college internship programsEmployers' views on the internationalization of cooperative educationEmpowering indigenous youth: Perspectives from a national service learning program in Taiwan. Enablers and barriers to interprofessional work-integrated learning placements: A qualitative study of rural and regional allied health supervisors’ perceptionsEnablers of work-integrated learning in technical vocational education and training teacher educationEnabling the transfer of skills and knowledge across classroom and work contextsEngaging in Practitioner Inquiry in a Professional Development School InternshipEngaging indigenous participation: Toward a more diverse professionEngaging students in applied research: Experiences from collaborative research and learning in Brazil and ParaguayEngaging students in community-based research: A model for teaching social work researchEngineering employers and cooperative education: What is important to them?Engineering internship: A system of integrated educationEngineering projects in community services (EPICS) in high schools: Subtle but potentially important student gains detected from human-centered curriculum designEngineering students perceptions of non-technical employment qualitiesEnhancement or Transformation? A Case Study of Preservice Teachers’ Use of Instructional TechnologyEnhancing capacity for success in the creative industries: Undergraduate student reflections on the implementation of work-integrated learning strategiesEnhancing Chinese college students' transfer of learning through service-learningEnhancing cooperative education placement through the use of learning management system functionalities: A case study of the Bachelor of Applied Management programEnhancing discipline specific skills using a virtual environment built with gaming technologyEnhancing employability of exercise science studentsEnhancing employment outcomes for psychology graduates: Developing a taxonomy of work-integrated learningEnhancing engineering students' community service experience through making youtube videosEnhancing graduate employability attributes and capabilities formation: A service-learning approachEnhancing industry engagement with work-integrated learning: Capacity building for industry partnersEnhancing learning outcomes from industry engagement in Australian engineering educationEnhancing public speaking confidence, skills, and performance: An experiment of service-learningEnhancing student employability: A mixed-methods study into work-integrated learning curricula in Vietnamese universitiesEnhancing students' self-efficacy in making positive career decisionsEnhancing the relevance of a professional doctorate: The case of the Doctor of Education Degree at the University of New EnglandEnhancing the value of professional experience in undergraduate education: Implications for academic and career counselingEnhancing work-integrated learning through South-North collaboration: A comparative contextual analysisEnriching clients’ lives and student learning through a University work-integrated learning exercise prescription programEnriching work-integrated learning students' opportunities online during a global pandemic (COVID-19)ENSURING THE AVAILABILITY AND QUALITY OF SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY DOCTORAL INTERNSHIPSEntry differences between students in cooperative and regular programsEntry Point!: A partnership of the American Association for the Advancement of Science with industry and governmentEnvironmental science cooperative education: Benefits for the student, the host organization, and the study programePortfolios as a platform for evidencing employability and building professional identity: A literature reviewePortfolios as evidence of standards and outcomes in work-integrated learningEstablishing cooperative education as an integral part of the undergraduate curriculum at Ritsumeikan UniversityEstablishing relevance through cooperative education in Ghana: A study of Central UniversityEstimates of cooperative education student enrollments: A stratified lookEthical integrity in the context of post-secondary educationEthical issues in cooperative education - The practitioner's perspectiveEthical practice in learning through participation: Showcasing and evaluating the PACE Ethical Practice ModuleEthical risks in work-integrated learning: A study of Canadian practitionersEthics and program evaluationEvaluating opportunities for cooperative education programsEvaluating service quality for cooperative education programsEvaluating successful political internships: A view from the student seatsEvaluating the career progress of Australian engineering graduatesEvaluating the cooperative education programEvaluating the development of science research skills in work-integrated learning through the use of workplace science toolsEvaluating Title VIII proposals, or what a director learned on her own cooperative education assessmentEvaluation of a cooperative education program with an emphasis in industrial/organizational psychologyEvaluation of career development in undergraduate business schoolEvaluation of Constructing Care Collaboration: Nurturing empathy and peer-to-peer learning in medical students who participate in voluntary structured service learning programmes for migrant workersEvaluation of international service learning model of health promotion in a developing countryEvaluation of internship practices in vocational colleges according to the views of academics (Kirklareli University Case)Evaluation of Internship Practices in Vocational Colleges According to the Views of Academics (Kirklareli University Case)*Evaluation of work-integrated learning: A realist synthesis and toolkit to enhance university evaluative practices.Evidence of emergent practice: Teacher candidates facilitating historical discussions in their field placementsExamining and challenging the intentions of work-integrated learningExamining students' perspectives on gender bias in their work-integrated learning placementsExamining the effect of co-op non-employment and rejection sensitivity on subjective well-beingExamining the effects of perceived relevance and work-related subjective well-being on individual performance for co-op studentsExamining the efficacy of a work-based learning project: Preparing new academics to teach in higher educationExamining the impact of strength and conditioning internships on exercise and sport science undergraduate studentsExamining the influence of selected factors on perceived co-op work-term quality from a student perspectiveExamining the research base on university co-operative education in light of the neoliberal challenge to liberal educationExamining the role of peer messages in the anticipatory socialization process of the internship experienceExpanding long-term global awareness and cultural sensitivity at a rural Christian collegeExpanding the connections between cooperative education and national higher education organizations: A roundtable conversationExpanding the experiential base of work-related programsExpanding the realm of best practices in cooperative industry-based learning in information systems and information technology: An inter-institutional investigation in Australian higher educationExpanding the search for talent: Adopting technology-based strategies for campus recruiting and selectionExperience and intelligenceExperience care: Efficacy of service-learning in fostering perspective transformation in tourism educationExperiencing service learning partnership: A human development perspective of community membersExperiencing the transition from an apprenticeship to higher educationExperiential education as an online course: How is it working?Experiential education: Working partner with cooperative educationExperiential learning and teaching criminologyExperiential learning through a health professional shadowing programExperiential learning through a physical activity program for children with disabilitiesExperiential learning: A continually changing experimentExperiential learning: A review and annotated bibliographyExploration and practice of multi-party cooperative education mode under the background of new engineeringExploration of a reflective practice rubricExploring barriers for facilitating work experience opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities enrolled in postsecondary education programsExploring common correlates of business undergraduate satisfaction with their degree program versus expected employmentExploring conditions for transformative learning in workintegrated educationExploring connections between the in-field and on-campus components of a preservice teacher education program: A student perspectiveExploring connections between the in-field and oncampus components of a preservice teacher education program: a student perspective Exploring cooperative education partnerships: A case study in sport tertiary educationExploring cooperative education students' performance and success: A case studyExploring differences in industry supervisors' ratings of student performance on WIL placements and the relative importance of skills: Does remuneration matter?Exploring diversity and inclusion in work-integrated learning: An ecological model approachExploring hope, self-efficacy, procrastination, and study skills between cooperative and non-cooperative education studentsExploring Individual Factors Affecting Business Students’ Willingness to Study Abroad: A Case Study From the CaribbeanExploring localized learning during a short-term health student placementExploring some current issues for cooperative educationExploring stakeholders' perspectives of the influences on student learning in cooperative educationExploring stakeholders’ perspectives of the influences on student learning in cooperative educationExploring students' perceptions of service-learning experiences in an undergraduate web design courseExploring the effectiveness of a work-integrated learning programme in contributing towards the employability of graduates: The graduate interns’ perspectiveExploring the experiences of administrative interns: Implications for university preparation programsExploring the importance of intentional learning goals on work-integrated learning placementExploring the link between self-efficacy, workplace learning and clinical practiceExploring the role and skill set of physiotherapy clinical educators in work-integrated learningExternal quality arrangements for the review of modern apprenticeship off-the-job trainingFacilitating collaborative capabilities for future work: What can be learnt from interprofessional fieldwork in healthFacilitating reflective learning journeys in sport cooperative educationFacilitators and inhibitors to the development of cooperative education programsFactors of Engagement: Professional Standards and the Library Science InternshipFaculty attitude towards cooperative educationFaculty in Cooperative Education = Excellence in Cooperative EducationFaculty voices: What faculty think about work integrated learningFear or favor: Student views on embedding authentic assessments in journalism educationFederal Cooperative Education Grants and Institutional CharacteristicsFederal Funding for Cooperative Education: Report and SuggestionsFederal Income Tax Benefits in Hiring of Cooperative Education StudentsFederal Legislation and Cooperative EducationFeedback on student performance in the workplace: The role of workplace supervisorsFenn at 40: How Recent Findings Are Changing Our Approach to Grantmaking for Work-Integrated LearningField Experience and Cooperative Education: Similarities and DifferencesField Experience Education ModelsField Projects and Career ClarificationField Projects in Human DevelopmentField-Based Experiential Education: Comments on Integration into the Academic ProcessFinding Meaningful Employment in the '90's: Will a University Education Be Enough?Fink’s taxonomy applied to work-integrated learning: An ‘audit’ of success strategies accounting students employ during recruitmentFink’s taxonomy applied to work-integrated learning: An ‘audit’ of success strategies accounting students employ during recruitmentFirst Impressions on Women in Cooperative EducationFlipping the academy: Is learning from outside the classroom turning the university inside out?Foreign Exchange and Cooperative Education: A BlueprintForewordForms of capital in working-class students' transition from university to employmentFostering student reflection during engineering internshipsFoundational-WIL for employability awareness: A faculty-wide approachFour Facets of Co-op Program OperationFrom apprenticeship to higher education: Navigating the credential landscapeFrom employability to employment: A professional skills development course in a three-year bachelor programFrom interest to decision: A comparative exploration of student attitudes and pathways to co-op programs in the United States and the United KingdomFrom Knowledge to Action and Back Again: Building a BridgeFrom Objectives to Assessment: A Model for Evaluation of Cooperative Education ProgramsFun and Games: "Short Range Opportunity Costs" for Co-op StudentsFuture apprenticeships in England: The role of mediation in the new modelGains and development of undergraduate nursing students during a 2-year community service programGAP year plus’: Preparing professionals, professionallyGender differences in work-integrated learning experiences of STEM students: From applications to evaluationsGeneral Cooperative Work Experience Education: Predicting Dropout ChancesGenerating academic standards and assessment practices in work-integrated learning: A case study from urban and regional planningGerman dual curricula to improve school to employment transition: A case studyGetting the Most Out of the Industrial Attachment Phases of a Cooperative Engineering ProgramGiving Graduates Worldwide the Business Skills They Need through Cooperative EducationGiving institutional voice to work-integrated learning in academic workloadsGlobal Education for Asia in the Twenty-first CenturyGlobal education in Asia for the twenty-first centuryGMI's First Fifty YearsGoodWIL placements: How COVID-19 shifts the conversation about unpaid placementsGraduate Cooperative Education - An OverviewGraduate Study: A New Approach Through Cooperative EducationGraph Mining to Characterize Competition for EmploymentGroup Debriefings: Peer Assistance for the Physically-Challenged StudentGroup-effort applied research: Expanding opportunities for undergraduate research through original, class-based research projectsGrowing Pains of a Cooperative EducationGrowing Talented People Through Cooperative Education: A Phenomenological ExplorationGrowth and Development of Cooperative Education Outside of the United StatesGrowth and Diversification of Cooperative EducationGuest Editorial: Measuring Work Integrated Learning: The development of the Meta-competency TestGuest editorial: The inaugural Swedish conference on work-integrated learningGuidance and the Co-op Specialist: Can You Handle It?Guideline DevelopmentHeterogeneity in a Changing Work Force and in the Emerging Purposes of Cooperative EducationHigh Schools and Community Colleges: Teaming Up for Cooperative Education.High-Risk Students Make Big GainsHigher apprenticeships and the new apprenticeship standardsHigher apprenticeships and the shaping of vocational knowledgeHigher apprenticeships in England: Professional and vocational formationHigher Education Over the Next Decade - The Role of Cooperative EducationHighlights of an Integrated Education Project for Automotive Education in TurkeyHighlights of Cooperative Student Opinion SurveyHiring Your First Handicapped PersonHistory and Korean studies work-integrated learning library internships: Past students and host supervisors’ reflectionsHistory of the Cooperative Education AssociationHotel school students' views of their preparation for work-integrated learning: An exploratory studyHousing Summer Co-ops in Distant CampusesHow a Chinese university trains engineers to meet with challenges today and tomorrowHow are universities supporting employers to facilitate effective "on the job" learning for apprentices?How Cooperative Education Affects Recruitment and RetentionHow do students offer value to organisations through work integrated learning? A qualitative study using social exchange theoryHow does US college students' sense of life purpose relate to their emotional expectations of being a volunteer in the community as part of a service-learning course?How often do they change their minds and does work-integrated learning play a role? An examination of 'major changers' and career certainty in higher educationHow often do they change their minds and does workintegrated learning play a role? An examination of ‘major changers’ and career certainty in higher educationHow students learn on placement: Transitioning placement practices in work-integrated learningHow to Assess College Students During External Placements: A British ViewHow to Integrate Student Internships into Legal Studies Research and Curriculum: A Case StudyHow Universities Can Increase Enrollment by Advertising Internships: The "Message" and the "Medium".How we incorporated service learning into a medical student rural clinical training experienceHuman Resources: A Continuing International Concern for Developed CountriesHuman Resources: An International Concern for Developing CountriesI'm Not a Researcher But...Image analysis and development as an instrument to improve the competitive advantage of the University of Cooperative EducationImpact and reasoning: Applying community service learning in a non-traditional fieldImpact of a service learning program to the university and the communityImpact of service-learning on Latinx college students engaged in intervention services for the deaf: Building multicultural competenceImpact of service-learning on the motivation of engineering and high school studentsImpacts of a Redesigned Virtual Internship Program on Preservice Teachers' Skills and AttitudesImpacts of Altruism and Self-efficacy on Knowledge Sharing Behavior and the Moderating effect of Mentor-Intern Interaction: An Empirical Study from Business Internship StudentsImplementing an interdisciplinary student centric approach to work-integrated learningImplementing co-operative education in an industrial engineering program in the United Arab Emirates: Experience and lessons learnedImplementing Diversity Training in Support of Advancing the Field of Cooperative EducationImproving Accreditor's Evaluation of Experiential Learning ProgramsImproving college-to-work transitions through enhanced training for employmentImproving Communications Among Employer, School, and StudentImproving engagement of interns and employers with the United Nation's Sustainable Development GoalsImproving health literacy of women about iron deficiency anemia and civic responsibility of students through service learningImproving international students' understanding of local culture and financial institutions: A service learning applicationImproving Learning in the WorkplaceImproving Student Learning Outcomes through Community-based Research: The Poverty WorkshopImproving unmatched co-op students' emotional wellbeing: Test of two brief interventionsImproving work-integrated learning experiences for Pacific studentsIn RetrospectIn search of graduate employability: An exploration of student identityIn Search of Intraterrestrial IntelligenceIn Sickness and in Health: Learning and Assessment Inside and Outside the New Zealand Qualifications FrameworkIn-the-Field Article: Strengthening Academic Ties by Assessment of Learning OutcomesIncorporating community-based learning in a first-year computing unitIncorporating Cooperative Education into Human Capital Theory: A Solution to the Student Benefit DilemmaIncreasing Co-op Potential through Principles of Career EducationIncreasing positive attitudes toward individuals with disabilities through community service learningIndonesia and Northeastern University: New PartnersIndustrial partners in EducationIndustry facilitated case-based learning in accounting educationIndustry-based learning and variable standards in workplace assessmentsInfluencing Undergraduate Advisees: Internalization of Faculty Attitudes on Cooperative EducationInforming work-integrated learning through Recovery CampInfusing SEL into the final internship experience for future teachersInnovations in oral health: A toolkit for interprofessional educationInnovative applied research projects using industry collaborationInput Evaluation for Cooperative EducationInsights from an evaluation of a workplace-based course in business for tourism and hospitality students in AustraliaInsights from an Evaluation of a Workplace-based Course in Business for Tourism and Hospitatlity Students in AustraliaInstitute for the Study of Human DevelopmentInstitutionalization of Cooperative Education: Corporate and CollegiateInstitutionalizing Cooperative Education: or How to ’Spoil the EgyptiansInstitutionalizing Cooperative Education: The Human DimensionInstitutionalizing global citizenship: A critical analysis of higher education programs and curriculaInstructional Internships: Improving the Teaching and Learning Experience for Students, Interns, and FacultyIntegrated school-based teacher education: From apprenticeship to a complex learning systemIntegrated work study program: Students' growth mindset and perception of change in work-related skillsIntegrating Advising, Career Cooperative Education, and Placement ServicesIntegrating community service learning in undergraduate dental education: A controlled trial in a residential facility for people with intellectual disabilitiesIntegrating community service learning into a master's programIntegrating community service learning into university curriculum: Perspectives from EFL teachers and studentsIntegrating Cooperative Education Based Student Learning in the College Classroom: A Study of Engineering Faculty Attitudes and ActivitiesIntegrating Experience and Academic CreditIntegrating experiential learning and applied sociology to promote student learning and faculty researchIntegrating Indigenous, Western and inclusive pedagogies for work-integrated learning partnerships in architecture and design disciplinesIntegrating service learning into the study abroad program: U.S. sociology students in MexicoIntegrating service, learning, and professional practice: Toward the vision for civil engineering in 2025Integration of eportfolios into cooperative education: Lessons learntIntegration of practice experiences into the Allied Health Curriculum: Curriculum and pedagogic considerations before, during and after work-integrated learning experiencesIntegration of work experience and learning for international students: From harmony to inequalityIntelligence is More than IQ: The Practical Side of IntelligenceIntercultural competency development curriculum: A strategy for internationalizing work-integrated learning for the 21st century global villageInterdisciplinary work-integrated learning: Australian university project-based learning pilots and practicesIntergenerational service learning between the old and young: What, why and howIntergenerational service-learning, sustainability, and university social responsibility: A pilot studyIntern Employability Development: An Ex Post Facto Analysis of a Sequentially Aligned Internship ModelInternal Consistency and Factor Analysis of a Work Performance MeasurementInternational Cooperative Education Student Exchange Program: Lessons from the Chemistry ExperienceInternational Cooperative Education: The European Experience for Students in ChemistryInternational students' perceptions of workplace experiences in Australian study programs: A large-scale surveyInternational WIL placements: Their influence on student professional development, personal growth and cultural competenceInternational Work Assignments for Cooperative Education Students: Some Issues to be ConsideredInternationalizing cooperative education: An introduction to the Berufsakademie Ravensburg's work-integrated cooperative education partnership with the multinational corporation SAP IncorporationInternationalizing cooperative education: Implementing the German DHBW model in Thailand and ChinaInternet-based Reflective Learning for Cooperative Education Students During Co-op Work PeriodsInterns Perceptions of Administrative Internships: Do Principals Provide Internship Activities in Areas They Deem Important?Interns Perceptions of Internships: A Look at Work, Supervision and AppraisalsInterns proactively shaping their organizational experience: The mediating role of leader member exchangeInternship impact on career consideration among business students.Internship of indenture?Internships and engineering: Beliefs and behaviors of academicsInternships and the PhD: Is this the future direction of work-integrated learning in Australia?Internships as a bridge from community college into a careerInternships in Rural Schools: Post-Interns’ ViewsInternships: Effective work-integrated learning for law studentsInternships: Tapping into China's next generation of talentInterprofessional education as a method to address health needs in a Hispanic community setting: A pilot studyInterprofessional learning in higher education: Bridging professional culturesInterprofessional primary healthcare student placements: Qualitative findings from a mixed-method evaluationInterrogating the enactment of a service-learning course in a physical education teacher education programme: Less is more?Interrogating the goals of work-integrated learning: Neoliberal agendas and critical pedagogyIntroducing corporate social responsibility as component in Cooperative Education: Results from a student research project in Germany and the United States supported by Intel CorporationIntroductionIntroduction (Volume 17)Introduction: The Experiential Connection in Higher EducationInvestigating Online Teaching of Employability Skills: The Bridging Online Program at Simon Fraser UniversityInvestigating the desirable assessment methods of the performance of the BA Law students during internshipsInvestigating the Educational Benefits of Cooperative Education: A Longitudinal StudyInvestigating undergraduate business internships: Do supervisor and self-evaluations differInvestigating what constitutes an effective workplace learning environment: A scoping review of the role physical and material elements play in student learningInvesting in skills and innovation: New strategic tasks for public administrationsInvolving the Private Sector with Higher EducationIs Cooperative Education, Education?Is There Life Before Death?Isolating Co-op as a Predictor of Monetary Rewards: An Economist's ViewIssues and challenges identified in the development of a broad multidisciplinary work integrated learning packageIssues and strategies for establishing work-integrated learning for multidisciplinary teams: A focus on degreesIssues and strategies for establishing work-integrated learning for multidisciplinary teams: A focus on degrees in sustainabilityIssues Facing Cooperative Education in Institutions of Higher Education in the United StatesIssues In Higher Education Cooperative EducationIssues relating to designing a work-integrated learning program in an undergraduate accounting degree program and its implications for the curriculumIt Makes a More Whole ExperienceIt's 2010: Do You Know Who and Where Your Students Are?Job Development in Arts and Sciences: A Proposal for Federal ActionJob Preferences and Job Satisfaction of Cooperative StudentsJob Satisfaction and Cooperative Engineering StudentsJob Satisfaction and Cooperative Nursing StudentsJohn Dewey and the Future of Cooperative EducationJourney or Destination-- A study of Experiential Education, Reflection and Cognitive DevelopmentJourneying from college to work: The changing identity of early-career policeJuggling hats: Academic roles, identity work and new degree apprenticeshipsJunior College Co-op: Partnership and PracticeKeeping students safe: Understanding the risks for students undertaking work-integrated learningKeeping the Customer SatisfiedKeeping up with the play: Practicum, partnership and practiceKey relationships for international student university-to-work transitionsKnowledge and skill competency values of an undergraduate university managed cooperative internship program: A case studyKnowledge and skill competency values of an undergraduate university managed cooperative internship program: A case study in design educationLarge Employers of Co-ops Benefit Most from Cooperative Education Primarily Because of NumbersLatent learning in the work place: the placement experiences of student-coachesLaw and Ethics in Cooperative EducationLead time: An examination of workplace readiness in public relations educationLead time: An examination of workplace readiness in public relations education.Leadership Style and Conflict Resolution: No Man(ager) is an IslandLeadership Styles of Cooperative Education Directors, Organizational Characteristics and Elements of Program SuccessLearner perspectives on online assessments as a mechanism to engage in reflective practiceLearning About Women's Work: Canadian Thoughts on Critical Practice in Secondary School Co-op EducationLearning apart and together: Towards an integrated competence framework for sustainable entrepreneurship in higher educationLearning from Graduates and Interns: Examining Graduate and Student Experiences in the Education Administration InternshipLearning in and by the community: A work-integrated learning approach to teaching journalismLearning in early-career police: Coming into the workplaceLearning in the Academic Workplace: Perspectives of Cooperative Education DirectorsLearning in the learning workplace: Tertiary institution staff perceptionsLearning in the Workplace through Cooperative Education Placements: Beginning a Longitudinal Qualitative StudyLearning Objectives and Educational Outcomes in Cooperative EducationLearning Objectives for Co-op StudentsLearning science and technology through cooperative educationLearning the Ropes: Co-ops Do ItLearning through participation as a mass collaborationLearning through work: How can a narrative approach to evaluation build students' capacity for resilience?Learning to teach students with disabilities through community service-learning: Physical education preservice teachers' experiencesLearning to Work: Becoming a Research Scientist Through Work Experience PlacementsLecturers’ perspectives on enhancing university graduates’ employability in Nigeria.Left to their own devices: A student-centered approach to civic engagementLegal Issues in International Cooperative EducationLessons derived from a work-integrated learning monitoring pilot at a distance higher education institutionLetter from the EditorsLetting your students fail: Overcoming failure experiences in undergraduate work-integrated learningLevels of success: The potential of UK apprenticeshipsLeveraging work-integrated learning through on-campus employment: A university-wide approachLiberal Arts & Cooperative Education: A Path to CareersLiberal Arts Faculty and Co-op: Attitudes for Success at a Small Private CollegeLiberal arts, experiential learning and public service: Necessary ingredients for socially responsible undergraduate educationLiberal Education and Cooperative Education: Are They CompatibleLifelong learning characteristics, adjustment and extra-role performance in cooperative educationLifelong learning mindset and career success: Evidence from the field of accounting and financeLinking cooperative education and education for sustainability: A new direction for cooperative educationLinking Cooperative Education and Education for Sustainability: A New Direction for Cooperative Education?Linking Cooperative Education with Scholarship Awards to Advance Specific DisciplinesLinking internships and classroom learning: A case study examination of hospitality and tourism management studentsLocal Indigenous perspectives and partnerships: Enhancing work-integrated learningLocus of Control and Achievement Need as Predictors of Job SatisfactionLooking Ahead: Next Legislative Steps for Title VIIILooking to GROW: The absence of goal setting in post-lesson mentoring conversations on work-integrated learning placementsMaking Co-op a Truly Educational ExperienceMaking service-learning partnerships work: Listening and responding to community partnersMale Students in Cooperative Education: A Comparative StudyManagement and Accountability in Cooperative EducationManagements by Objectives and Cooperative EducationManagerial Efficiency for Cooperative Education AdministratorsManaging Cooperative Education and Placement TogetherManaging Experiential Education: Work-integrated Learning in the Context of a Cost-benefit AnalysisManaging the quality of higher education in apprenticeshipsManpower Needs of the Power IndustriesMapping WIL activities in the curriculum to develop graduate capabilities: A case study in accountingMarket tested business education: Corporate sector perceptions of Saudi graduates competenciesMarketing a Co-op Education Program at a Post-Secondary InstitutionMarketing Cooperative Education: A ModelMarketing Cooperative Education: So Many Benefits - So Little TimeMarketing Cooperative Education: The Role of Attitude ResearchMaximizing work-integrated learning experiences through identifying graduate competencies for employability: A case study of sport studies in higher educationMeasurement: Supplement, or Substitute for JudgmentMeasures of InstitutionalizationMeasuring Coordinator’s Student Load: A Two-Year, Credit Program ModelMechanical engineering students’ contribution to their work placement learning trajectoriesMentoring as service-learning: The relationship between perceived peer support and outcomes for college women mentorsMentoring Latinos in STEM: Transforming Struggling Co-op Students into Savvy ProfessionalsMentoring: A Successful Tool for Developing Co-op StudentsMentoring: A Useful Concept for Cooperative Education ProgramsMentorship of Hospitality Management students during work-integrated learningMethodologies, methods and ethical considerations for conducting research in work-integrated learningMicrocredentials and work-integrated learningMigrant students' and employers' perspectives on cooperative education in New Zealand: Implications for English language teachingMinding the gap: Investing in a skilled manufacturing workforceMisnomers, Misconceptions, and MisinformationMobile app development: Work-integrated learning collaborations with Maori and Fijian partnersModel for Analysis of Co-op WagesModel for the Study and Evaluation of the Stockbroker Internship ProgramModeling resilient and adaptable work-integrated learning practice: The importance of learning dispositions in initial teacher educationMore than just another course: Service learning as antidote to cultural biasMore than mandatory work placements: The role of work-integrated learning in preparing financial planning graduates for the professional yearMotivation and Satisfaction on the Work Term of Cooperative StudentsMoving Partnerships Between Co-op Institutions and Co-op Employers into the NextMoving through Moodle: Using e-technology to enhance social work field educationMultiple Perspectives on the Purposes of High School Cooperative Education: A Qualitative StudyMy Alaskan Co-op ExperienceMy Conversion to Cooperative EducationMy Meat and DrinkNear-peer mentor model: Synergy within mentoringNew Dimensions for Co-ops in Non-Engineering AreasNew Directions for Cooperative EducationNew Evidence of Co-op System RelevancyNew Generations of Global Entrepreneurs: Global Citizenship Through Work-Integrated Learning in the New EconomyNew Jersey Cooperative Education Consortium: A Quiet Giant Step toward CooperationNew Perspectives on the Technical Communication Internship: Professionalism in the Workplace.New Programs in Cooperative EducationNew Zealand Association for Cooperative EducationNew Zealand Association for Cooperative Education 1999 conference proceedings: Celebrating diversityNew Zealand Association for Cooperative Education 2000 conference proceedings: Work-integrated learning in the twenty-first centuryNew Zealand Association for Cooperative Education 2001 conference proceedings: Issues and innovations in contemporary work-based learningNew Zealand Association for Cooperative Education 2002 conference proceedings: Education and work partnerships for the knowledge economyNew Zealand Association for Cooperative Education 2003 conference proceedings: Mutually responsive partnerships: Successes and challengesNew Zealand Association for Cooperative Education 2006 conference proceedingsNew Zealand Association for Cooperative Education 2007 conference proceedings: Developing work-integrated learning in cooperative education and internship programmesNew Zealand Association for Cooperative Education 2008 conference proceedings: Working together: Putting the cooperative into cooperative educationNew Zealand Association for Cooperative Education 2009 conference proceedings: Using experience and research to inform the practice of work-integrated learningNew Zealand Association for Cooperative Education 2010 conference proceedings: Providing a competitive advantageNew Zealand Association for Cooperative Education 2011 conference proceedings: Vine to Wine: Maturing cooperative educationNew Zealand Association for Cooperative Education 2012 conference proceedings: Nurturing good practice: "Getting stuck in together"New Zealand Association for Cooperative Education 2013 conference proceedings: Strategic directions in cooperative educationNew Zealand Association for Cooperative Education 2015 conference proceedings: Integrating learning, work, and communityNew Zealand Association for Cooperative Education 2016 conference proceedings: Advocacy, collaboration, engagementNew Zealand Association for Cooperative Education 2017 conference proceedings: Celebrating 25 years with lifelong learningNew Zealand Association for Cooperative Education 2018 conference proceedings: Fruit of the vine: Change, challenge and opportunity for learningNew Zealand Association for Cooperative Education 2104 conference proceedings: Embracing changeNew Zealand entrepreneurs' views of business success: Curriculum implicationsNigeria-International Links and The Role of Sandwich Placements 1971-1983Non-Completers are Not Non-EntitiesNon-technical Behaviors and Attitudes for Employability of Students in Post-Secondary Cooperative ProgramsNon-Traditional Student Participation in Cooperative Education: Report of a SurveyNot All Dimensions of Work Self-Efficacy Are Equal: Understanding the Role of Tertiary Work Placements in the Development of the Elements of Work Self-EfficacyNotes for a Seminar on Cooperative EducationNotes on Contributors (Volume 21)Notes on Contributors (Volume 22)Notes on Contributors (Volume 23, Issue 2)Notes on Contributors, 26(2)Notes on Four Areas of Cooperative Education PracticeNow and ThenNursing Students’ Experiences from Their First Clinical Education — a qualitative studyNursing: A Natural for Cooperative EducationNurturing a cross-institutional curriculum planning community of practiceNurturing social responsibility through community service-learning: Lessons learned from a pilot projectObservational research in work-integrated learningOff Campus PerspectivesOn Changing Fundamental Conceptions of Undergraduate Experience: Experiential Learning and Theories of IntelligenceOn the Ball in California with a Co-op Ed Clearing HouseOn the Nature of Cooperative EducationOn the teaching management mode of Sino-foreign educational cooperation program in higher vocational collegesOn-Campus Electronic Internships: Implementation and ExperienceOpenness and reciprocity: Indigenous community requirements for hosting university studentsOperating Characteristics of Cooperative Education Programs in Business SchoolsOptimizing learning simulation to support a quinary career development modelOptimizing opportunities to learn during practicum: Developing collaborative partnerships between the university and schoolOptimizing the Academic Component of the Business Co-op ExperienceOrganic farming and international exchange: Participant perceptions of North-South transferabilityOrganizational issues and challenges of supervised industrial attachment of a technical and vocational teacher education program in GhanaOrganizational supports and individuals' commitments through work integrated learningOur First Year of Cooperative EducationOut of the too hard basket: Promoting student's safety in cooperative educationOutcomes of an international cooperative education experience for undergraduate nursing studentsOvercoming inconsistencies in placement assessment: The case for developmental assessment centersParent Attitudes Towards Cooperative EducationParliamentary internships for rural and regional studentsParliamentary Internships for Rural and Regional Students.Partnership an Essential Condition for Sound Cooperative Education PracticePartnerships and work-based learning: Pioneering new ways to care for the older people in the communityPathways to mental health and wellbeing: Understanding and supporting students during critical school-to-work transitionsPatterns of Awarding Degree Credit in Cooperative EducationPerceptions of Cooperative Education: A Comparison of Students With and Without DisabilitiesPerceptions of male and female STEM aptitude: The moderating effect of benevolent and hostile sexismPerceptions of Risk in Co-operative EducationPerceptions of the Co-op Experience for International Full Fee-paying StudentsPerceptions of work-integrated learning in rural health and human services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme in AustraliaPerceptions of Workplace Communications during Co-operative Work Term ExperiencesPerceptions, prejudices and possibilities: Young people narrating apprenticeship experiencesPersonal Counseling - Within the Realm of the Coordinator?Perspectives of Turkish intern and non-intern students towards sport management internship within the context of field experiencePhilosophies in Technical and Business Cooperative EducationPhilosophy, Freedom, and Cooperative EducationPiaget and the University Internship ExperiencePilot initiative in Iowa for an intern development and management programPiloting dual-track apprenticeships in South AfricaPitfalls to Cooperative Education in Community Colleges: An Energy Crisis is No Good ThingPlacement quality has a greater impact on employability than placement structure or durationPlacing the Less PlaceablePlanning and scaffolding for learning in experiential placements in Australian pharmacy schoolsPlanning the journey to best practice in developing employability skills: Transnational university internships in VietnamPolicy: The Spectrum of ChoicePolitical engagement among undergraduate women of colorPortrait of a work-study program assessmentPositioning the Co-op Program for Maximum EffectivenessPositive and Negative Aspects of the Practicum: Post-Interns' ViewsPost secondary Cooperative Education: A View of the FuturePost-levy apprenticeships in the NHS: Early findingsPotential contributions of cooperative education to the retention of women in computer sciencePower and Politics in the Community CollegePractical aspects of service learning make work-integrated learning wise practice for inclusive education in AustraliaPractical idealism: Social enterprise as work-integrated learning across the humanitiesPractical typology of authentic work-integrated learning activities and assessmentsPractitioner auto-ethnography: Developing an evidence-based tertiary teaching portfolioPre-Service Preparation of Teacher CoordinatorsPre-service teacher training: Professional preparation and work-integrated learning pedagogyPre-service teachers’ evaluation of school experiencePreceptors' experience of nursing service-learning projectsPredicting Employer’s Benefits from Cooperative EducationPredicting Students’ Benefits from Cooperative EducationPreparation for work: Reflections on developing an international Indigenous field tripPreparing accounting students for success in the professional environment: enhancing self-efficacy through a work integrated learning programPreparing Computer Information Systems Students for Cooperative EducationPreparing doctoral candidates for employment: Delivering research and employability skills training in the PhD via work-integrated learningPreparing for the Work Term: On LinePreparing for work-integrated learning during COVID-19: How a new virtual orientation tool facilitated access for allPreparing future-ready graduates through experiential entrepreneurshipPreparing learning teachers: The role of collaborative inquiryPreparing medical students as agentic learners through enhancing student engagement in clinical educationPreparing students for diverse careers: developing career literacy with final-year writing studentsPreparing students for the professional workplace: who has responsibility for what?Preparing students for workplace learning: Short films, narrative pedagogy, and community arts to teach agencyPrinciples for Structuring Cooperative Education ProgramsPrinciples of Good Practice in Combining Service and LearningProblem-based service learning to improve solid waste management in IraqProblem-based service learning with a heart: Organizational and student expectations and experiences in a postgraduate not-for-profit workshop eventProblematizing college internships: Exploring issues with access, program design and developmental outcomesProductivity of Cooperative StudentsProfessional Development and Academic Achievement of the Cooperative Education Practitioner in New England and New YorkProfessional development needs of the international work-integrated learning communityProfessional ethics in Co-opingProfessional Experiences in Seminar DiscussionsProfessional identities and ethics: The role of work-integrated learning in developing agentic professionalsProfessional identity development through service learning: A qualitative study of first-year medical students volunteering at a medical specialty campProfessional integration of international engineering graduates in Canada: Exploring the role of a co-operative education programProfessional Placement Educational Processes: Balancing Student-Centred Education and Client-Centred Care During Clinical EducationProfessional Preparation "Co-oped" Dietetics: A ModelProfessionalising Accounting EducationProfessionalising Accounting Education – The WIL ExperienceProgram Continuation after Federal Funding and Selected Program VariablesProgram evaluation in co-operative education: A dearth of standards?Programming for the Students of the SeventiesProject #NuKapav: A Mauritian service-learning case studyProject Access: Evaluating the Impact of Teacher Internships in IndustryProject Based Learning and Professional Practice - Enhancing Co-operative EducationPromoting Cooperative EducationPromoting Cooperative Education by Providing Career Exploration ExperiencesPromoting professional project management skills in engineering higher education: Project-based learning (PBL) strategyPromoting sustainable community service in the 4th year of medical school: A longitudinal service-learning electivePromoting Your Co-op Program: Identification of Markets and MessagesProviding research-focused work-integrated learning for high achieving science undergraduatesProvocative Thoughts about the CoordinatorPublic affairs internships: The American university experiencePublic Relations Ideas for Cooperative EducationPublishing cooperative and work-integrated education literature: The Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative EducationPursuing a purpose: The role of career exploration courses and service-learning internships in recognizing and developing knowledge, skills, and abilitiesQualitative or Quantitative? Choices of Methodology for Cooperative Education ResearchersQuality of a Cooperative Education Program: Employers' PerspectiveQuality of clinical education - A three-year follow-up among undergraduate nursing students in Finland and SwedenQuality of Work Experience as Perceived by Two-Year CollegeQuality policy and the role of assessment in work-integrated learningQuantifying the Benefits of Cooperative EducationQuantifying the impact of entrepreneurship on cooperative education job creationQuantifying the impact of entrepreneurship on cooperative education job creation.Ranking Workplace Competencies: Student and Graduate PerceptionsRationale and Description of the Video Resume ModelRe-conceptualizing sustainable widening participation: Evaluation, collaboration and evolutionRe-designing work study as work-integrated learning: Examining the impact of structured learning support in part-time on-campus employmentRe-envisioning work-integrated learning during a pandemic: Cincinnati's experiential explorations programRe-imagining work-integrated learning through slow innovation in higher educationReactance: A Phenomenon in the Implementing of Cooperative Education in a Liberal Arts University settingReading the Future of Higher Education: An Exceedingly Hazardous TaskReady (Almost) - Fire - Aim (Planning in the Development of Programs of Cooperative Education)Real Learning Connections: Questioning the Learner in the LIS InternshipRealising the educational worth of integrating work experiences in higher educationRealizing the professional within: The effect of work integrated learningReciprocal and scholarly service learning: Emergent theoretical understandings of the university-community interface in South AfricaRecognizing and resolving the challenges of being an insider researcher in work-integrated learningRecognizing and supporting a scholarship of practice: Soft skills are hard!Recruitment of Early STEM Majors into Possible Secondary Science Teaching Careers: The Role of Science Education Summer InternshipsRecruitment of Early STEM Majors into Possible Secondary Science Teaching Careers: The Role of Science Education Summer Internships.Rediscovering connections between animal welfare and human welfare: Creating social work internships at a humane societyReducing the observed curriculum perception gaps between stakeholdersRefereed proceedings of the 20th WACE World Conference on Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education, 2017, Chiang Mai, ThailandRefereed proceedings of the 2nd International Research Symposium on Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education, Victoria, British Columbia, CanadaRefereed proceedings of the 3rd International Research Symposium on Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education, Stuttgart, GermanyReflection and Projection on Cooperative EducationReflection in sport and recreation cooperative education: Journals or blogs?Reflection-in-Action on Co-op: The Next Learning BreakthroughReflections and experiences of student paramedics undertaking international work-integrated learning placementsReflections by a Co-op Educator and Co-op MotherReflections of a Visiting Co-op Practitioner: A View of Co-op from Down UnderReflections on Cooperative Education in the New University SystemReflections on service learning for a circular economy project in a Guatemalan neighborhood, Central AmericaReflections on the 1999 World Conference on Cooperative EducationReflections on the Cooperative Education Literature Reflections on the ESRC internship scheme for postgraduatesReflections on twenty years of practicum, partnership & practiceReflections on What a Coordinator IsReflective assessment in work-integrated learning: To structure or not to structure, that was our questionReflective practice as a research method for co-creating curriculum with international partner organizationsReflective Practice: The Needs of Professions and the Promise of Cooperative EducationReforming the Language of Cooperative Education: Step Toward Goal AlignmentReframing Cooperative Education Curriculum for the Twenty-First CenturyReframing service-learning as learning and participation with urban youthRegional Approaches to the Development of Human and Economic ResourcesRegional Approaches to the Development of Human and Economic Resources (Chisanga, Patrick)Regional Approaches to the Development of Human and Economic Resources (Grunewald, Bjorn)Regional Approaches to the Development of Human and Economic Resources (Platt, James)Regional Approaches to the Development of Human and Economic Resources (Sikwane, Robert)Regional Approaches to the Development of Human and Economic Resources (Stoelinga, Thomas H. J.)Regional Approaches to the Development of Human and Economic Resources (Volume 17)Regional Approaches to the Development of Human and Economic Resources (Walwyn-James, D.)Regional Approaches to the Development of Human and Economic Resources - AfricaRegional Approaches to the Development of Human and Economic Resources - AsiaRegional Approaches to the Development of Human and Economic Resources - EuropeReimagining service-learning: Deepening the impact of this high-impact practiceRelevance of further education and training college engineering learning programmes within the apprenticeship contextRemote work-integrated learning experiences: Student perceptionsRepositioning work-integrated learning in diverse communitiesResearch and Employer-Oriented Learning ObjectivesResearch in Cooperative EducationResearch Report: Program CharacteristicsResearch-informed curriculum and advancing innovative practices in work-integrated learningResearchers' reflections on what is missing from workintegrated learning researchResearchers’ reflections on what is missing from workintegrated learning researchResearching Job Prospects: Guidelines for StudentsReshaping work-integrated learning in a post-COVID-19 world of workResourcing and recognition: Academics’ perceptions of challenges experienced embedding work-integrated learning in the curriculumResponding to an international crisis: The adaptability of the practice of work-integrated learningResponding to Rapid Change in Higher Education: Enabling University Departments Responsible for Work Related Programs through Boundary SpanningResponse to the Preliminary Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Cooperative EducationResponses from Developed CountriesRestoring opportunity by expanding apprenticeshipRestructuring the Bachelor of Exercise Science degree to meet industry needsRetaining Students in Science, Math, and Engineering Majors: Rediscovering Cooperative EducationRethinking Co-op - A Model for ChangeRethinking Cooperative EducationRethinking the expert: Co-creating curriculum to support international work-integrated learning with community development organizationsReturns to apprenticeship based on the 2006 Canadian censusReview of Cooperative Occupational Education and Work Experience in the CurriculumReview of Handbook of Cooperative EducationReview of LiteratureReview of Literature (Volume 15Review of Literature (Volume 16)Review of Literature (Volume 16, 1979)Review of Literature (Volume 17)Review of Literature (Volume 17, 1980)Review of Literature (Volume 18)Review of Literature (Volume 18, Issue 2)Review of Literature (Volume 19, Issue 1)Review of Literature (Volume 19, Issue 2)Review of Literature (Volume 20, Issue 1)Review of Literature (Volume 20, Issue 3)Review of Literature (Volume 21, 1985)Review of Literature (Volume 21, Issue 1)Review of Literature (Volume 22, 1985)Review of Literature (Volume 22, 1986)Review of Literature (Volume 23, 1986)Review of Literature (Volume 24)Review of Literature (Volume 25)Review of Literature (Volume 25, 1988)Review of Literature 27(1)Review of Literature 29(3)Review of Literature 30(1)Review of Literature, 1976Review of Literature, 1976bReview of Literature, 1977Review of Literature, 1977bReview of Literature, 1978Review of the LiteratureReview of the Literature 26(1)Review of the Literature 26(3)Review of the Literature 27(3)Reviewing the Liberal Arts SituationRich pictures in qualitative research in higher education: The student as consumer and producer in personal brandingRoad testing graduate attributes and course learning outcomes of an environmental science degree via a work-integrated learning placementRole of reflection in moderating the relationship between service-learning and civic developmentRole of work-integrated learning in developing professionalism and professional identitySACE 2004 International conferenceSandwich Courses, United KingdomSatisfaction with the Intern Experience: Analysis of the New York Assembly Intern ProgramSavages in the Fountain: The Co-operative Educator and the University CommunityScaffolded, simulated work-integrated learning in design education: Beyond the live projectScaffolding patient counselling skills in Australian university pharmacy programsSchool Counselors as Supervisors: Examining Qualitative Perspectives of Site-Based InternshipsScience and Technology Stakeholders' Ranking of Graduate Competencies Part 1: Employer PerspectiveScience and technology stakeholders' ranking of graduate competencies part 1: Employers perspectiveScience and Technology Stakeholders' Ranking of Graduate Competencies Part 2: Students PerspectiveScience and Technology Stakeholders' Ranking of Graduate Competencies Part 3: Graduate PerspectiveScience and Technology Stakeholders' Ranking of Graduate Competencies Part 4: Faculty PerspectiveSearching for Dollars: How to Explore Private Funding Opportunities for Cooperative EducationSeeking industry perspectives to enhance experiential education in university-industry partnerships: Going beyond mere assumptionsSeeking industry perspectives to enhance experiential education in university-industry partnerships: Going beyond mere assumptions.Selected Problems of International Cooperative Education: The USA as Sender and Receiver of Study-Abroad StudentsSelected students' perspectives on international service-learning: A case study in Chajul, GuatemalaSelf-concept and tacit knowledge: Differences between cooperative and non-cooperative education studentsSelf-Esteem and Cooperative Education: A Theoretical FrameworkSelling Internships Using Lost Common SenseSemantic and metaphoric reflection on the training of decentralized staff responsible for supporting students in terms of work-integrated learning: A distance education university scenarioSeminar Scheduling by Computer. Senior managers' and recent graduates' perceptions of employability skills for health services managementSensation seekers who learn abroad: Exploring the role of risk perception in co-op students' international plansService and Learning: An IntroductionService learning and community engagement in community colleges in Saudi ArabiaService Learning and Cooperative Education: More Alike than DifferentService Learning and Cooperative Education: Serving God or MammonService learning as inquiry in an undergraduate science courseService learning as supported, social learning for international students: An Australian case studyService learning experiences from the lens of student outcomes and willingness of engineering students community involvementService learning in an undergraduate adulthood and aging course: Using life stories to connect students, content, and communityService learning in engineering educationService learning in light of Emmanuel LevinasService learning in undergraduate audiology educationService learning support for academic learning and skills developmentService learning: A method of instruction for community health content in nursing curriculumsService learning: An empowerment agenda for students and community entrepreneurs.Service-learning and first-generation university students: A conceptual exploration of the literatureService-Learning and School-to-Work: Making the ConnectionsService-learning as a new methodological teaching trend in physical education and sport sciencesService-learning as a useful supplement to intensive English programsService-learning in teacher training in Spanish universitiesService-learning instructional design considerationsService-learning programs and the knowledge economy: Exploring the tensionsService-learning research: Definitional challenges and complexitiesService-learning's impact on dental students' attitude towards community serviceService-learning: A survey of experiences in SpainService-learning: A valuable means of preparing pre-service teachers for a teaching practicumService: A Pathway to KnowledgeShaping oral health care in North Carolina with East Carolina University's community service learning centersSharing initial teacher education between school and university: Participants’ perceptions of their roles and learningSharing the load: Understanding the roles of academics and host supervisors in work-integrated learningShort-term international internship experiences for future teachers and other child development professionalsSite Supervisors' and Students' Perceptions of Quality Indicators of Cooperative LearningSkill utilization of overseas interns: Antecedents and consequencesSkills articulation and work integrated learningSkills evaluation of final year interior design diploma students on completion of WIL within the relevant industry to contribute practical findings to the new interior design curriculumSmall Business Placements: The Extra Effort PaysSocial justice training within geropsychology: Nontraditional pedagogies to cultivate a competent workforceSocial media mining to understand the impact of cooperative education on mental healthSocial Skills and Cooperative Education: A Conceptual FrameworkSocial Skills Training and Cooperative Education: An Empirical Investigation of Performance OutcomesSocial Work in Higher Education: Internships in Opportunity ProgramsSocially responsible students and improved health for community - The benefits of service-learning in PakistanSociocultural views of learning: A useful way of looking at learning: A useful way of looking at learning in cooperative educationSome Difficulties and Dilemmas of a Scholarship-based Co-op ProgramSome Questions about Cooperative EducationSome Reflections on Early Cooperative EducationSome Thoughts about Cooperative Education in Reply to Some Questions about Cooperative EducationSpecifics of measuring social and personal responsibility of university students after completion of a service-learning course in Slovak conditionsSport and Recreation Cooperative Education Projects: A Medium for Teaching and Learning Ethical PrinciplesSporting Best Practice: An Industry View of Work PlacementsStakeholders in the German and Swiss Vocational Education Training System: Their role in innovating apprenticeships against the background of academisationStarting Salary Outcomes of Cooperative Education GraduatesStatus of the National Cooperative Education Project in Taiwanese Secondary Schools for Community LearningStolen knowledge: Student knowing in workplace practiceStories Students Hear: Symbolic Expression in OrganizationsStrategic Human Resources Management of Employer cooperative Education ProgramsStrategic Implications of Socioeconomic Trends for Higher Education Cooperative Education ProgramsStrategic Planning and Cooperative Education: A ReviewStrategic Planning for the Cooperative Education PractitionerStrategic Planning, Consensus Building, and Optimal Satisfaction in Developing Large Scale Cooperative Education ProgramsStrategies for managing risk in work-integrated learning: A New Zealand perspectiveStrategies used to host allied health students in private practice placements: The perspective of private practices and clinical education coordinatorsStrengthening a Principal Preparation Internship by Focusing on Diversity IssuesStrengthening attainment of student learning outcomes during work-integrated learning: A collaborative governance framework across academia, industry and studentsStrengthening communities of inquiry online and offline: Exploring the benefits and challenges of including service-learning in a fully online women's global health courseStrengthening Cooperative Education Beyond the Program levelStringtern: springboarding or stringing along young interns’ careers? Structured Industrial Practice (SIPS)Structuring an Internal Evaluation ProcessStudent and Employer Reflections of an International Science and Technology Work PlacementStudent Assessment of Co-op Education: Does Title VIII Funding Make a DifferenceStudent Assessment of the Co-op Experience and Optimum Integration of Classroom Learning with Professional PracticeStudent Co-op OrganizationsStudent Development in an Experiential Learning ProgramStudent enfranchisement in business undergraduate studiesStudent Evaluation of Training and Job OffersStudent Experience of International Cooperative Education: Reflections on Personal and Professional GrowthStudent experiences of service learning through a community outreach projectStudent insights: Developing T-shaped professionals through work-integrated learningStudent insights: The added value of work-integrated learningStudent learning in relation to the structure of the cooperative experienceStudent learning opportunities in traditional and computer-mediated internshipsStudent musicians’ experiences of reflexivity during internships: Personal narratives and complex modalitiesStudent Outcomes: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It?Student perceptions of their workplace preparedness: Making work-integrated learning more effectiveStudent placement service: An exploratory investigation of employer retention and a "Priority Partner" interventionStudent Self-Designed and Comprehensive ApproachesStudent success in cooperative education: A comparison of remote and in-person workplace performance evaluationsStudent teaching from the perspectives of cooperating teachers and pupilsStudent-led services in a hospital aged care temporary stay unit: Sustaining student placement capacity and physiotherapy service provisionsStudents as harsh critics: A comparison of student and industry assessment of placement competenciesStudents with disabilities: Relationship between participation rates and perceptions of work-integrated learning by disability typeStudents' assessment of experiential learning in an entrepreneurship curriculum: Expectations versus outcomesStudents' ease, time, and coping with transitions from co-op to the universityStudents' reflections on industry placement: Comparing four undergraduate work-integrated learning streamsStudents' understanding of sustainability and climate change across linked service-learning coursesSubject Index for I-XIXSubject Index for Volumes XIX-XXXIISubjective outcome evaluation of service-learning by the service recipients: Scale development, normative profiles and predictorsSuccessful work-integrated learning relationships: A framework for sustainabilitySummative Evaluation in Cooperative Education ProgramsSupervised entrepreneurial work-integrated learningSupervisor/Manager Perceptions of Cooperative Education/Internship Students: Implications for the Development of a Needs-based ProgramSupplementing the Industrial Work PeriodSupporting Exercise Science students to respond to the challenges of an authentic work-integrated learning (WIL) assessmentSupporting placement supervision in clinical exercise physiologySupporting student development through a cooperative education coaching programSurvey Analysis of Mississippi State University Cooperative Education Graduates from 1970-1974Survey of Attitudes toward Cooperative EducationSurvey of Cooperative Education, 1969Survey of Cooperative Education, 1970Survey of Cooperative Education, 1971Survey of Cooperative Education, 1972Survey of Cooperative Education, 1974Survey of Cooperative Education, 1975Survey of Cooperative Education, 1976Survey of Faculty Attitudes Toward Cooperative EducationSurvey of International Cooperative ProgramsSyllabus Revision Through Cooperative Education: Adapting Courses to the “Real WorldTable of Contents and Editor's Comments 28(1)Table of Contents and Editor's Comments 28(2)Table of Contents and Editor's Comments 28(3)Table of Contents and Editor's Comments 29(1)Table of Contents and Editor's Comments 29(2)Table of Contents and Editor's Comments 29(3)Table of Contents and Editor's Comments 30(1)Table of Contents and Editor's Comments 30(3)Table of Contents and Editor's Comments 32(3)Table of Contents and Editor's Comments 33(1)Table of Contents and Editor's Comments 33(2)Table of Contents and Editor's Comments 34(1)Table of Contents and Editor's Comments 34(2)Table of Contents and Editor's Comments 34(3)Table of Contents and Editor's Comments, 30(2)Table of Contents and Editors Comments 31(1)Table of Contents and Editors Comments 31(3)Table of Contents and Editors Comments 32(1)Table of Contents and Editors Comments 32(2)Table of Contents and Editors' CommentsTable of Contents and Editors' Comments, 35(1)Table of Contents and Editors' Comments, 36(2)Talk about field placement within campus coursework: Connecting theory and practice in teacher educationTapping Human Resources for Teaching Through Cooperative EducationTeacher education in a remote community: Learning on the jobTeaching Competencies for Teacher-Coordinators in Cooperative EducationTeaching in context: Integrating community-based service learning into TESOL educationTeaching Sociology Students to Become Qualitative-Researchers Using an Internship Model of Learner-Support.Teaching Students a Process of Reflection: A Model for Increasing Practice-Based Learning Outcomes during Cooperative EducationTeaching Technology and Engineering in Thailand: Suranaree University of Technology and a Model for Cooperative EducationTeaching-as-research internships: a model for the development of future chemistry faculty and the improvement of teaching in science, technology, engineering, and mathTeaming Social Services with Cooperative EducationTechnical and vocational education stakeholders' perceptions on professional skills acquired in private "Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS)" schools in TogoTechnikon Witwatersrand, South AfricaTechnology Experiences of Student Interns in a One to One Mobile ProgramTechnology Utilization to Enhance Personal Interactions for Co-op StudentsTelementoring Using E-mail: The Classroom to Co-op ConnectionTelling your story of work-integrated learning: A holistic approach to program evaluationTertiary students’ entrepreneurial career intentions of entrepreneurship-embedded internship programsTesting a model of co-op students' conversion intentionsThe Academic Soundness of Cooperative EducationThe academic takes it all? A comparison of returns to investment in education between graduates and apprentices in CanadaThe Accreditation Process for Engineering Curricula with Cooperative EducationThe After Effects of Cooperative EducationThe Agency - Employer Role in Cooperative EducationThe Analytical Club': A Unique Cooperative Education Link Between Industry and AcademiaThe Appropriate Road to Co-op`s Future Is the One We Are OnThe Art and Science of Getting PublishedThe Art of ThinkingThe Assessment of Key Skills in the WorkplaceThe Australian Collaborative Education Network student scholarship for work-integrated learning 2010 - 2014The Australian Collaborative Education Network student scholarship for work-integrated learning 2010-2014The Benefits of Cooperative Education Internship Programs to Industry and the Academic CommunityThe benefits of job-search seminars and mock interviews in a work experience courseThe benefits of preparation: Examining the relationship between integrated work experiences and post-graduation pursuits for baccalaureate completersThe Benefits to Faculty of Involvement in Cooperative Education in Institutions of Higher Education in the United StatesThe Bradford Plan: The Story of a Liberal Arts CollegeThe Breadth of Learning in Cooperative Work ExperienceThe BSc (Technology) Degree: Responding to the challenges of the education marketplaceThe building blocks of relevant work experiences.The Catalyst for Career Education, or Support Your Support ServicesThe Changing Face of the Work ForceThe chartered manager degree apprenticeship: Trials and tribulationsThe Civil Service Commission and Cooperative EducationThe Clinical Nursing Preceptorship as a Working Model of Cooperative EducationThe Co-op in the World of WorkThe Co-op Mandate for College Work-Study-ProgramsThe Co-op Supervisor's Role as Teacher in the WorkplaceThe Co-op Way for the Disadvantaged Attending CollegeThe Consortia Role - Two ApproachesThe construction and testing of a framework to assure the institutional quality of work-integrated learningThe contribution of social work field education to work-integrated learningThe contribution of work-integrated learning to undergraduate employability skill outcomesThe Cooperative Education Association - Where Do We Go From Here?The Cooperative Education Movement - Early YearsThe Cooperative Education Movement: Association of Cooperative CollegesThe Coordinator - His JobThe Correlation of Grade Point Average to Co-op Work Performance of Business UndergraduatesThe Cost of Operating a Cooperative Education ProgramThe Counselling Role in Experiential EducationThe Development and Implementation of Cooperative Education for the Liberal ArtsThe Development and Utilization of an Instrument Designed to Measure Employer Satisfaction and Receptivity Towards the Concept of Cooperative EducationThe Development of a Management Information System in Cooperative EducationThe development of a proposed global work-integrated learning frameworkThe Development of Cooperative EducationThe Development of Human Resources: An International Concern - Developing Countries Discussion PanelThe Development of Mentoring Partnerships: How a Shared Learning Experience Enhanced the Final InternshipThe development of work integrated learning model for the interior design qualificationThe development of work-integrated learning ecosystems: An Australian example of cooperative educationThe Doppelganger Effect or How I Stopped Seeing Double and Started Recognizing (Mostly) Critical DifferencesThe Duty to Protect: Privacy and the Public UniversityThe dynamics of increasing conversion rates: Practical implications for retail-related businessesThe Dynamism of Asia: Opportunities for CooperativeThe Educational Imperatives for a Work-Integrated Learning PhilosophyThe Educational Orientation of Cooperative Education: A Critical Variable in EffectivenessThe Effect of a Cooperative Education Work Experience on AutonomyThe Effect of Cooperative Education on Change in Self-Efficacy among Undergraduate Students: Introducing Work Self-EfficacyThe Effect of Cooperative Education on Occupational BeliefsThe effect of service learning on community college studentsThe effectiveness of work-integrated learning in developing student work skills: A case study of ThailandThe effects of an alternative spring break program on student developmentThe Effects of Cooperative Education on Job-Search Time, Quality of Job Placement and AdvancementThe effects of work-integrated learning on undergraduate sports coaching students' perceived self-efficacyThe emerging future: Innovative models for work-integrated learningThe Employer Role in Cooperative EducationThe ethics of international service learning as a pedagogical development practice: A Canadian studyThe Evaluation and Crediting of Cooperative WorkThe evaluation of social and professional life competences of university students through service-learningThe Evolution of a Comprehensive Experiential Learning Program: A Case StudyThe evolution of a mixed methods study in work-integrated learningThe Evolving Relationship Between Industry and EducationThe Expedience of Cooperation: Antioch College's Adoption of the Cooperative ModelThe fall and rise of experiential construction and engineering education: Decoupling and recoupling practice and theoryThe Familiarity Factor: Reflections on a One-Year Cooperative Education InternshipThe Federal Co-op ComplexThe Field Team at Beloit College: A Decade of Modified Cooperative EducationThe Five Essentials of a Successful Co-op ProgramThe Forms of Cooperative Education and Their Key ElementsThe Future of Cooperative EducationThe Future of Cooperative Education, 1974The gendered effect of cooperative education, contextual support, and self-efficacy on undergraduate retentionThe German Berufsakademie work-integrated learning program: A potential higher education model for West and EastThe GET immersion experience: A new model for leveraging the synergies between industry and academiaThe Graduate Apprenticeship in ManagementThe Grassroots Connection: State and Regional Organizations in Cooperative EducationThe Hidden Dimension of Field Experience Program: Problems with Field SupervisionThe History of the NCCE: An Institution of InnovationThe History, Process and Recommendations for Obtaining Proclamations and Benefits DerivedThe HRD Challenge for Cooperative EducationThe idea of academia and the real world and its ironic role in the discourse on work-integrated learningThe Identification of the Most Important Non-technical Skills Required by Entry Level Engineering Students When They Assume EmploymentThe ideology of skills and its implications for socially progressive learning in university co-operative education: Student and administrator perspectivesThe impact of an authentic, simulated learning activity on student preparedness for work-integrated learningThe impact of clinical placements on the emotional intelligence of occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech pathology, and business students: A longitudinal studyThe impact of community service-learning in a rural community on undergraduate studentsThe impact of compensation, supervision and work design on internship efficacy: implications for educators, employers and prospective interns.The Impact of Cooperative Education on WagesThe Impact of Fashion Merchandising Internships on CareersThe Impact of Field Education on Student DevelopmentThe Impact of International Internships and Short-Term Immersion ProgramsThe impact of service-learning on undergraduate awareness and knowledge of Autism Spectrum DisorderThe Impact of Structured and Non-Structured Work Experiences on College Students' Attitudes, Values and Academic PerformanceThe Impact of Title VIII Funding on Operational Characteristics of Two and Four Year Cooperative Education ProgramsThe impact of work placement on graduate employment in computing: Outcomes from a UK-based studyThe impact of work-integrated learning experiences on attaining graduate attributes for exercise and sports science studentsThe impact of work-integrated learning students on workplace dynamicsThe Impacts of a National Internship Program on Interns’ Perceived Leadership, Critical Thinking, and Communication Skills. The impacts of mandatory service on students in service-learning classesThe Importance of ContextThe importance of project management documentation in computing students' capstone projectsThe Improvement of Student Teachers' Instructional Quality during a 15-Week Field Experience: A Latent Multimethod Change AnalysisThe Indigenous Work-integrated Learning Resource Hub: A needs-based approach to addressing barriers and opportunities for Indigenous studentsThe Influence of a Technology-Based Internship on First-Year Teachers’ Instructional Decision-MakingThe influence of cooperative education and reflection upon previous work experiences on university graduates’ vocational self-conceptThe Influence of Cooperative Education on Student Perceptions of Their Ability in Practical ScienceThe Influence of Participation in the Cooperative Program on Academic PerformanceThe influence of proactive socialization behaviors and team socialization on individual performance in the teamThe influence of professional identity and self-interest in shaping career choices in the emerging ICT workforceThe influence of professional identity and self-interest in shaping career choices in the emerging ICT workforce. The influence of self-efficacy and self-regulated motivation on civic learning in service learning coursesThe influence of values on supervisors' satisfaction with co-op student employeesThe influence of work-integrated learning on motivation to undertake graduate studiesThe integration of a community service learning water project in a post-secondary chemistry labThe integration of study and work-integrated learning experience through the completion of tertiary qualificationsThe integration of study and work-integrated learning experience through the sequential, embedded completion of tertiary qualificationsThe Internalization of Cooperative Education: A Thailand PerspectiveThe internationalization of cooperative education: A Thailand perspectiveThe Job Guide System: An Innovative Method for Targeting Cooperative Education Job Development and Placement ActivitiesThe Journal of Cooperative Education: Another Look at its Editors and EvolutionThe Journal of Cooperative Education: Its Editors and EvolutionThe Journal of Cooperative Education: Twenty-Five More Years of ServiceThe learning and teaching of Spanish as a heritage language through community service-learning in New York CityThe Learning Model of Experiential Education: A Guide to Decision-MakingThe Learning Process, Apprenticeships, and Howard GardnerThe Legal Aspects of the Employment Interview from the College Cooperative Education Administrator's PerspectiveThe Legality of the Training Agreement: Implications for the Vocational CoordinatorThe National Assessment of Cooperative Learning: A Preliminary ReportThe Nature of Evidence in Assessing Co-operative EducationThe New England Award: Providing student development opportunities through cross-campus and external collaborationThe New England Award:  providing student development opportunities through cross-campus and external collaborationThe Nexus of ContentionThe Nexus: Ivory Towers and Muddy Trenches - Studying Maintenance Management by Distance Education at Postgraduate Level at Central Queensland University, AustraliaThe Nitty-Gritty: The How of Cooperative EducationThe objectives of field placementsThe other half of cooperative educationThe passage of 504: Implications for cooperative education programsThe philosophy of a British undergraduate cooperative education program in chemical engineeringThe post-graduate pecuniary benefits of co-op participation: A review of the literatureThe potential of a simulated workplace environment for emergency remote teachingThe potential of e-portfolio: Enhancing graduate employability in a professional programThe power of hermeneutic phenomenology in restoring the centrality of experiences in work-integrated learningThe practice of professional skills and civic engagement through service learning: A Taiwanese perspectiveThe prediction of professional success in apprenticeship: The role of cognitive and non-cognitive abilities, of interests and personalityThe privilege to pursueThe problem with EDP co-op programsThe professional orientation of first year student teachers in a non-placement work-integrated learning programThe recycled society: Technology, education and "good work"The reform of agricultural education in China through cooperative education strategies: The evolution of the Shanxi Agriculture University experienceThe relationship between corporate and higher educationThe relationship between education-related work experiences and career expectationsThe relationship of cooperative education exposure to career decision-making self-efficacy and career locus of controlThe relationship of undergraduate work terms and other variables to starting base salary of agricultural graduatesThe relative influence of cooperative education on college students' development of interpersonal relationshipsThe relevance and significance of critical thinking and problem solving skills to the chemical industry: Opinions of employers of chemistry graduates in the Western CapeThe requisites of coordinative relationships: Notes for practitioners in cooperative educationThe rise of work-based academic education in Austria, Germany and SwitzerlandThe role of academic major and academic year for self-determined motivation in cooperative educationThe role of co-op in the transition from high school to post-secondary educationThe role of cooperative education directors in institutions of higher education in the United StatesThe role of cooperative education in developing environmental science skills The role of cooperative education in developing the curriculumThe role of cooperative education in the career growth of engineering studentsThe role of cooperative education programs in higher education in the future of North CarolinaThe role of education for rural population transformation in BangladeshThe role of regional accreditation in the assessment of non-traditional education: Implications for experiential and cooperative education ProgramsThe role of sandwich education in the transfer of quantity surveying technology to the Third World: The Malawain experience 1982-1990The role of technical and vocational education in the national development of BangladeshThe role of the coordinatorThe role of the coordinator over the past twenty-five yearsThe role of the placement coordinator: An alternative modelThe role of the placement coordinator: An alternative model The role of the teacher in cooperative educationThe Role of Work Experience in the Future Employability of Higher Education GraduatesThe role of work placement in engineering students' academic performanceThe role of work-integrated learning in developing students' perceived work self-efficacyThe role of work-integrated learning in student preferences of instructional methods in an accounting curriculumThe role of work-integrated learning in student preferences of instructional methods in an accounting curriculum. The role of work-integrated learning in the development of entrepreneursThe roles of a Director, Cooperative Education: Leading, managing and administrationThe short range opportunity cost at selected institutions for male students who successfully complete a five year cooperative education degree programThe silent minority: Working with traditional American Indian students in cooperative education programsThe spirit of manThe sponsoring by industry of universities of cooperative education: A case study in GermanyThe state of service-learning in AustraliaThe story of cooperative education in CanadaThe student as inadvertent employee in work-integrated learning: A risk assessment by university lawyersThe student experience of a “kidney CAMP” as a primary care clinical placement for undergraduate nursing studentsThe student experience of PACE at Macquarie University: Understanding motivations for learningThe student in societyThe sub-baccalaureate labor market and the advantages of cooperative educationThe successful business school internship program: A modelThe synergy of industrial internship programsThe transfer of training to field-based environments for year-long interns assigned to at-risk studentsThe UCL EdD: An apprenticeship for the future educational professional?The unheard partner in adapted physical activity community service learningThe University of Houston cooperative education department and the Houston independent school district teacher aide programThe use of college students as teacher aidesThe utility of case study as a methodology for work-integrated learning researchThe utility of skills inventories in co-op placementsThe utilization of college work-study funds to implement employment opportunities in cooperative educationThe value of workplace learning in attaining discipline-specific skills for ecotourism employmentThe value of workplace learning in the first year for university students from under-represented groupsThe values of cooperative education from a pedagogical perspectiveThe vulnerable worker? A labor law challenge for WIL and work experienceThe Walt Disney World College ProgramThe Washington intern experience: Task assignment and support roles in the U.S. CongressThe workplace: Needs and changesThe World Association for Cooperative Education: Filling a need for a strong global partnershipTheoretical perspectives on assessment in cooperative education placementsTheory and practice of European co-operative education and training for the support of energy transitionTheory and research in co-op education: Practice implicationsThey said it wouldn't work (a history of cooperative education in Canada)Three of many possible future occupational scenarios for the 1990sTitles of Interest (Volume 23, Issue 3)To be or not to be. Service-learning in a higher education institutionTo be or not to be: An investigation of accounting students' career intentionsTo be or not to be: an investigation of accounting students’ career intentionTo grade or not to grade: Student perceptions of the effects of grading a course in work-integrated learningToday's story of cooperative education practices and previewsTotal quality management as the basis for better co-op student learning outcomesTough teachers: The critical variableToward a model of work experience in work-integrated learningToward an evaluation of cooperative education: A managerial perspectiveToward an identity: The nature of the cooperative education professionalTowards a sustainable apprenticeship systemTowards conceptual clarity: Pedagogical liminalityTowards pedagogy for cooperative educationTrainees' perception of vocational training institutes degree apprenticeshipTraining and consortia rolesTraining centers and their roleTraining for high performance in industryTraining for on-the-job survival and promotion: An inductive co-op experienceTraining medical students in the social determinants of health: The health scholars program at Puentes de SaludTraining workshops for coordinatorsTransforming 21st century corporate-university engagement: From work-integrated learning (WIL) to learning-integrated work (LIW)Transforming the community's linguistic landscape in a mixed-learner service learning capstone course in a Spanish for specific purposes programTransgressing boundaries through learning communitiesTransition into the work world: An assessmentTransition to-and-from education: Toward a model of career development services for students with disabilitiesTransitions: Understanding economic and workplace changes at the end of the centuryTwo institutional responses to work-integrated learning in a time of COVID-19: Canada and AustraliaU.S. employer response to COVID-19: Actions taken and future expectations of virtual work-integrated learningUndergraduate cooperative education in Maritime Canada: Placements, placement sectors and placement locationsUndergraduate engineering applicants’ perceptions of cooperative education: A text mining approachUndergraduate Internship Supervision in Psychology Departments: Use of Experiential Learning Best PracticesUndergraduate reflective journaling in work integrated learning: Is it relevant to professional practice?Undergraduate research opportunities in Canadian higher education: An initial studyUnderstanding barriers to engagement in an unpaid field placement: Applying the transtheoretical stages of behavior change modelUnderstanding the needs of all the stakeholders: Issues of training and preparation for health work students and their clinical educatorsUnderstanding the risks in work-integrated learningUnderstanding the role of internship as an activity based learning: A case studyUnintended outcomes of university-community partnerships: Building organizational capacity with PACE International partnersUnique features and fringe benefits in co-op programsUniversity of Cooperative Education - Karlsruhe: The dual system of higher education in GermanyUniversity of Cooperative Education – Karlsruhe: The dual system of higher education in GermanyUniversity of Victoria British ColumbiaUniversity offering work-integrated learning dual study programsUniversity-enterprise cooperative education mode in the context of emerging engineering disciplinesUsefulness of the co-op experience: A study of community college graduatesUsing a strengths approach to early childhood teacher preparation in child protection using work-integrated educationUsing blackboard collaborate, a digital web conference tool, to support nursing students placement learning: A pilot study exploring its impactUsing electronic portfolios to explore essential student learning outcomes in a professional development courseUsing ELVIS to Measure Experiential Learning in Criminal Justice Internships.Using grounded theory to explore learners' perspectives of workplace learningUsing group discussion and reflection for developing student teacher autonomyUsing interactive instructional television to enhance human service student's readiness for work placementUsing intergenerational service learning to promote positive perceptions about older adults and community service in college studentsUsing learning environments to create meaningful work for co-op studentsUsing simulations to improve skills needed for work-integrated learning before and during COVID-19 in NamibiaUsing strength-based approaches to fulfill academic potential in degree apprenticeshipsUsing the resources of cooperative education for faculty developmentUsing the student lifecycle approach to enhance employability: An example from criminology and criminal justiceUsing trial interviews to enhance student self-efficacy towards pre-placement interviewsUtilizing learning contracts in field experience programsUtilizing Multivariate Analysis for Assessing Student Learning Through Effective College-Industry PartnershipsValue of co-op education as the graduate views itValue of industry mentoring and resource commitment to the success of an undergraduate internship program: A case study from an Australian universityValue Shifts and Ethics in Cooperative EducationValues, ethics and empowering the self through cooperative educationVariations in Off-Campus ProgramsVictoria University learning in the workplace and community: Connecting partners, connecting fields, connecting learningViews for the outsideViews of informal work-based learners during the acquisition of vocational skills in economically deprived suburban settings in MozambiqueVirtual internships and work-integrated learning in hospitality and tourism in a post-COVID-19 worldVirtual WIL clinics in medicine: Overcoming the COVID-19 challengeVisual representation of the mismatch between industry skills demand and higher education skills supplyVocational education and training programmes (VET): An Asian perspectiveVolume XIX, Number 3: Its conception and developmentVolumes XIX-XXXII: An annotated bibliographyVolunteer/unpaid positions and co-op student entrepreneurship in Canada: Program policies and placementsWACE 2015 and SASCE study tourWalking in multiple worlds: Successful school-to-work transitions for Aboriginal and cultural minority youthWelcome to RochesterWhaia te iti Kahurangi - In pursuit of excellence: Student efficacies, agency and achievement in early years tertiary education: An applied technology perspectiveWhat aren't we teaching our students: Critical pedagogy and co-operative education curriculumWhat competencies do business graduates require? Perspectives of New Zealand stakeholdersWhat constitutes a true coordinator load? A case studyWhat created the climate for the growth of cooperative educationWhat is quality work-integrated learning? Social work tertiary educator perspectivesWhat media internships really offer students (or matching skill use with the right agency)What value do stakeholders place on the academic standards and grading practices in work-integrated learningWhat we can learn from the iReflect project: Developing a mobile app for reflection in work-integrated learningWhat we know about co-op employers' perceptions of cooperative education: A synthesis of research in the United States and CanadaWhat's gender got to do with it? The experiences of U.S. women entrepreneurship studentsWhat's in a name? A reference guide to work-education experiencesWhat's in it for me? Re-discovering the 'client' in client-centered learningWhen ambition is no assetWhen research moves up regulation: A trailblazing experience of industrial PhD in ItalyWhen students learn from experience in the occupational fieldWhere have all the innovators gone?Where there is a WIL there is a way: Using a critical reflective approach to enhance work readinessWhere's WIL? Including work-integrated learning in descriptions of what it is that academics doWhere’s WIL? Including work-integrated learning in descriptions of what it is that academics doWhile on the subject of cooperative educationWho are our members?Who is holding the mirror? Debriefing and reflection in work-integrated learningWhose curriculum is it anyway? Stakeholder salience in the context of degree apprenticeshipsWhy co-design and delivery is a "no brainer" for higher and degree apprenticeship policyWhy should we get involved?WIL and generic skill development: The development of business students' generic skills through work-integrated learningWIL-power remains at the level of WILL and not POWERWith pride and prejudiceWomen in co-opWomen's center volunteer intern program: Building community while advancing social and gender justiceWork and study: Cuba and the UWork as educationWork as education: A Polynesian illustrationWork experience education in secondary schools: A Massachusetts studyWork experience enriched learningWork integrated learning competencies: Industrial supervisors' perspectivesWork integrated learning for tertiary environmental students: Professional preparation through international project workWork integrated learning internships in transnational education: Alumni perspectives from VietnamWork integrated learning: A study of risk management by university lawyersWork realities: Migrants preparing for the experience of workWork satisfaction of cooperative education studentsWork-based higher education programmes in Germany and the US: Comparing multi-actor corporatist governance in higher educationWork-based learning and work-integrated learning: Fostering engagement with employersWork-based learning as a pathway to postsecondary and career successWork-experience programs: A case-study of one university programWork-integrated education at the institutes of higher professional education in the NetherlandsWork-integrated learning and health literacy as catalysts for Roma empowerment and social inclusion: A participatory action researchWork-integrated learning and professional accreditation policies: An environmental health higher education perspectiveWork-integrated learning as a component of the capstone experience in undergraduate lawWork-integrated learning builds student identification of employability skills: Utilizing a food literacy education strategyWork-integrated learning courses: An essential component for preparing students to work in statutory child protection?Work-integrated learning experiences of South African technical and vocational education and training lecturersWork-integrated learning for career clarification: Lessons from an Indigenous pre-accounting enabling programWork-integrated learning gone full circle: How prior work placement experiences influenced workplace supervisorsWork-integrated learning in context: A South Korean perspectiveWork-integrated learning in higher education: Student, teacher and employer motivation and expectationsWork-integrated learning in music technology: Lessons learned in the creative industriesWork-integrated learning in science, technology, engineering and mathematics: Drivers of innovation for studentsWork-integrated learning in Vietnam: Perspectives of intern work supervisorsWork-integrated learning placements and remote working: Experiential learning onlineWork-integrated learning process in tourism training programs in Vietnam: Voices of education and industryWork-integrated learning workloads: The realities and responsibilitiesWorking remotely: Innovative allied health placements in response to COVID-19Working with children: Reflections on a high school co-op ed placementWorking with truants: Effective use of college cooperative education students in the high schoolWorkplace and lecture hall synergyWorkplace ethical climate, cooperative education satisfaction, and the retention of women in engineeringWorkplace-based experience (WBE): Preparing the student for the world of workWriting a student cooperative education handbookWriting in the Professions: An Internship for Interdisciplinary StudentsWriting transfer and work-integrated learning in higher education: Transnational research across disciplinesWuerffel vs. Drexel University: Limits of a coordinator's responsibility for the student's work environmentXIX: An Annotated BibliographyYouth apprenticeship in Georgia: An assessment of studentsYouth apprenticeship: A hopeful approach for improving outcomes for Baltimore youthYouth apprenticeships in Canada: On their inferior status despite skilled labour shortages Shivangi ChopraA. A. Ali, P. Gardner, & B. EdmonsonA. Bruce BrewerA. Harris-KesslerA. J. MartinA. JefferiesA. Jusko-FriedmanA. K. BormanA. M. BestA. S. BarberA. SayampanathanA. WurtzdorfAalaya MilneAaron BurdetteAaron C. ClarkAaron LucasAaron Simon BlicblauAasir AliAbby HemerichAbby ReismanAbdelaziz BourasAbdul Rahman MatAbdullatif M. AlteraifiAbebe AmbatchewAbeer KhanAbigail BurronAbigail FriendlyAbigail HarrisAbishek BhatiAdam CardiliniAdam DasmaniAdam HowardAdam UsherAdnan IqbalAdrian M. SpencerAhmad Reza Nasr EsfahaniAhmed M. AleisaAinsley GoldmanAitziber MugarraAl JabsAlžbeta Brozmanová GregorováAlan B. McNabbAlan E. GuskinAlan HowardAlan J. CohenAlan LawleyAlan Mark ForsterAlan ReubensonAlan RichardALANA DINSDALEAlbert L. LewisAlejandro OrfilaAletta OdendaaalAlex CoppingAlex D. BeebeAlex JamiesonAlexander JokischAlexandra BrewisAlexia TamAlfred SangsterAli MostafaviAli SürmenAlice HartAlice KorngoldAlice Pope BarbutAliisa MylonasAlison BealeAlison FelceAlison LorenzoALISON REEDYAlison TaylorAlissa RuthAlix Jayne StubbsAljoscha C. NeubauerAllan A. KennedyAllen M. Y. CheongAllen T. BonnellAllison A. VanderbiltAllison CasolaAllison GregoryAllison PattisonAllister McLayAlma DenderAlmuth McDowallAlon EisensteinAlvah K. BormanAlvin DawsonALVIN YEOAlyse FitzpatrickAlyson AdamsAmanda BeatsonAmanda DevineAmanda DudleyAmanda HendersonAmanda NoskoAmanda WernerAmber L. VlasnikAmber M. GonzalezAmelia BlumeAmie DurstonAmrita DaniereAmy ChangAmy DaviesAMY DORIEAmy E. KuleszaAmy SeidlAmy StokesAmy TapsellAnastasia Athanasoula-ReppaAnder Arcos AlonsoANDRE F. SETIAWANAndrea GreenblattANDREA HAMSAndrea MarcillaAndrea MeekAndrea SatorAndreu Curto ReverteAndrew AndradeAndrew D. EberlineAndrew FurcoAndrew GemmoAndrew J. MartinAndrew LamAndrew R. EastwoodAndrew R. ScheefAndrew SumAndrew ToulisÁngel Elías OrtegaAngela DresslerAngela FentonAngela HarrisAngelina B. LaycockAnh Hai LeAnika TaylorANITA DEWIAnita EnsANITA LOUISE WHEELDONAnita M. ToddAnita WalshAnn C. MacGillivaryAnn C. NoonanAnn E. KeelingAnn HodgsonAnn LahiffAnn M. PerryAnn MacPhailAnn MintonAnn S. FerrenAnn-Helén SandvikAnn-Marie LancasterAnn-Marie LynchAnna D. RoweANNA DENEJKINAAnna KingAnna Lynn BellAnna M. DadermanAnna Maria BoscoAnna Maria RussoAnna OrtnerAnna PogrzebaAnna ReidAnna RoweAnna-Maria HuberANNABELLE M. NEALLAnne B. NissenAnne CoffeyAnne HewittANNE HILLAnne LlewellynnAnne RoikoAnne VenablesAnne-Louise SempleAnne-Marie FannonAnnerley BatesAnnette SachtlebenAnnie Moletsane and Kholeka Constance MoloiAnnie VenvilleANNIKA HINZEAnri WheelerAnson Chui Yan TangAnthony A. DeFalcoAnthony HerringtonAnthony J. OnwuegbuzieAnthony WeldonAnthony WhittyAntoine PennaforteAntoine Pierre PennaforteAntoinette R. Smith-TolkenAnton HarfmannAntonio Baena-ExtremeraAntonio BattipagliaAntonio RuizAnya Y. SpectorAPO APOROSAAraceli Queiruga-DiosArden L. TravisARIO B. KOESALAMWARDIArleen A. Fujimoto-IkumaArleen Hernández-DíazArlene PeltolaArnold PackerArshad Khushi MuhammadArthur BrittanyArthur Elliott LevineArthur G. WirthArthur GreenbergArthur MontanoArti SaraswatArunita JaekelAsa S. KnowlesAshley J. CrippsAshley PattersonAshley StirlingAshley V. WhillansAsier Arcos-AlonsoAthina SikavitsasAudra ParkerAudrey J. JaegerAukelien ScheffelaarAURIEL SHERAustin MasonAvery McneeceAxel GerloffAxel GöhringerAyse A. BilginAyub RukhsanaAzlan Abdul LatibB. H. BanathyB. MeehanBadi G. FosterBaha NurlybayevBarbara BowmanBarbara GrossBarbara Munson GoffBarbara MuskatBarbara PevotoBarbara PorterBarbara R. HellerBarnabas MuyengwaBarry G. ScheckleyBarry HeermannBarry J. ArnowBeata StrubelBecky Smith-EggemanBelén Muños-MedinaBelina HallBelinda BeattieBelinda DaviesBelinda van der MerweBen GilbertBen van NugterenBengt KjellenBenjamin D. AndrewsBenjamin F. BlairBernard L. HyinkBernard TrendleBernardine LynchBerndt L. KolkerBertil MardbergBeth C. CallahanBeth GazleyBeth Mozolic-StauntonBetsey BlackmerBetty Anne ArmstrongBetty FordBeverley JacklingBeverly StittBill G. GoochBinnie L. NeelBiruta SlokaBjorn GrunewaldBLAŽENKA DIVJAKBob AndersonBob JabsBob M. DowningBob WayBonnie Amelia DeanBonnie BuchananBonnie CordBonnie ScarthBoreslaw P. BeresteckyBoris S. SvidinskiyBrad FogoBradley BowenBradley JohnsonBradley K. PottsBrandi Gilbert Brandon EgglestonBreanna C. LawrenceBrenda L. BarrioBrenda WilesBrent KingBRENT SMITHBrett FreudenbergBrett FreundenbergBrian BurkeBrian MayerBrian WelchBridget BackhausBridget de VilliersBrie CarterBrigitte Ilg Baden-WuerttembergBrittany A. MitchellBrittany ArthurBrittany EtmanskiBRONTE VAN DER HOORNBronwyn A. KosmanBruce A. CalwayBruce A. McCallumBRUCE KLOOTBruce LumsdenBruce SmithBruce StoughtonBruce W. SmithBuratin KhampiratC. C. BawbaughC. F. A. BeaumontC. Forrest McKayC. GilliganC. J. FreundC. McMillionC. W. CravensC. W. Y. ChaiCaitlin KempCaitriona CunninghamCaleb BurnsCalvin R. CaseCalvin SmithCam Thi Hong KhuongCandace BlackCandy HoCarl CramerCarl HansonCarl McDanielsCarl P. Maertz JrCarla B. ZoltowskiCarleen M. ThompsonCarmel McNaughtCarmen PapalucaCarmen SolisCarol A. RashotteCarol F. AndersonCarol P. S. KwokCarol StuartCarol-Joy PatrickCarolina BothaCaroline BlackCaroline JoyceCaroline WongCAROLYN CAIRNCROSSCarolyn D. KanyCarolyn DienhartCarolyn KubiakCarolyn Schuetz Carolyn WoodleyCarsten OsterlundCarva PopCarver Albertus PopCarver PopCarver Pop and Nicolene BarkhuizenCaryn ZinnCasey A. DexterCath PetersCathedrine R. Knight-AgarwalCatherine BlakeCatherine BrownCatherine FarrellCatherine HayesCatherine HungerfordCatherine LongworthCatherine MaltbieCatherine MulvihillCathy CarmodyCathy SmithCecil A. L. PearsonCecilia M. FoxCecilia M. S. MaCelina McEwenCelina Salvador-GarciaChadwick HaywardChadwick MenningChantal Levesque-BristolCharles F. SeavernsCharles HopkinsCharles LumleyCharles S. SherwoodCharles Z. LevkoeCharlie WilderCharmaine SwansonChauncey Monte-SanoChea-su KeeChelsea LitchfieldChelsea Yu Xian ChanCherie NayCheryl AlmeidaCheryl AmundsenCheryl CarricoCheryl FranksCheryl KeenCheryl L. CatesCheryl SimserChester L. DawesChi-wai DoChiakai SuChien YuChien-Hua ShenChin-Sheng WanChing-Yaw ChenCho See ChongChris EamesChris HickeyChris SykesCHRIS TUCKERChristian MbekomizeChristian PitcherChristian SakulinChristina AggarChristina KoutsoukosChristina M. SmithChristine ArsenaultChristine BilslandChristine ChapmanChristine DoddsChristine HowittChristine IngletonChristine WinbergChristoph NeefChristopher C. LovalloChristopher CooperChristopher E. JonesChristopher G. L. PrattChristopher PattersonChun-Mei ChouCiaran PurcellCindy WiersmaClair WardwellCLAIRE ELLEN SEAMANClaire Jennifer HughesClaire MintonClaire NewhouseClaire PalermoClaire QuilliamClaire SalterClare BinekClaudia K Y LaiCláudia Maria Bokel ReisClemens BartollasClifton L. SmithClyde MauriceColin ClarkColin F. SmithColin MacleodColin SmithColina MasonColleen AndersonColleen NevisonConcepción NavalCong WangConstance A. WillisConstance F. BrothersCorben BloomfieldCORRINNE SHAWCourtney CronleyCourtney Latta DavisCourtney McGowanCraig AndresCraig CameronCraig FoltinCraig GonsalvezCraig GribbleCrawford Ellerbe, Jr.Cristina EftenaruCristina M. GilstrapCristina Pérez GarcíaCrystal PaulCurby AlexanderCurt DommeyerCurtis KennettCynthia GohCynthia MacLeanD. Anthony Schonhardt D. Brian McNattD. Gregory ChadwickD. H. Abang IbrahimD. HotalingD. JacksonD. KarlsonD. Keith GurleyD. Keith LuptonD. N. F. Awang IskandarD. ScottD. Walwyn-JamesD. Y. E. SinDai-Pai FengDale HoltDale SheehanDallas WingroveDan ConradDan J. EhrlichDan RileyDana ChurchDana PerlmanDaniel BosDaniel C. FeldmanDaniel C. HolsenbeckDaniel ChazanDaniel Dinis Da CostaDaniel R. CraryDaniel T. L. ShekDaniela Castro De JongDANIELLA CAINDanielle MatteDANNY PARURUDar-Chin RauDarcy MillerDarin StagebergDarnice R. LangfordDarryll BravenboerDave HodgesDavid AckermanDavid B. YoustDavid BarbarashDavid BirdDavid C. NixonDavid CollingsDavid CookeDavid DeLapeyreDavid DreweryDavid E. KapelDavid E. KatzDavid E. SuddickDavid GilesDavid GuileDavid HodgesDavid Hortiguela-AlcaláDavid J. CarrDavid J. DohertyDavid J. van RestDavid JorgensenDavid KimberDavid L. RookeDavid L. WhitmanDavid M. GringDavid MacKayDavid MitchellDavid NashDavid P. KorowskiDavid PerrinDavid R. DeLorenzoDavid R. OppermanDavid SkeltonDavid SmithDavid SternDavid W. DreweryDavid WayDavid WhitmanDavid X. FittDavid YoungDavidson NicolDawn BennettDawn K. WilsonDayang Hanani Abang IbrahimDEAN SUTHERLANDDeanna Grant-SmithDEANNA REXEDeb ClarkeDebbie Haski-LevanthalDebora JeskeDeborah AgnewDeborah ByrnesDeborah C. PoffDeborah L. AngelDeborah L. WorleyDeborah M. HincheyDeborah PascoeDeborah PeachDeborah R. YoungDebra BillDebra CoulsonDebra D. ChapmanDebra H. RogersDebra JacksonDebra L. YourickDebra MilesDebra T. WerrleinDeepa MaratDeepa PriyanshuDelmar DualehDeltrinee A. MooreDena A. WeinsteinDenisa NewmanDenise BakerDenise ClaiborneDenise D. DuncanDenise IsibelDenise JacksonDenise Lorentz StaggDennis A. CropperDennis C. McCornacDennis DuncanDennis LaBontyDennis SladeDerek NorthwoodDerek S. ChapmanDes ButlerDesiree ScholtzDevon H. WhetstoneDhirawit PinyonatthagarnDi ChallisDi Challis and Dale HoltDiana AylingDiana MessumDiane DePuydtDiane DucatDiane HedinDianna Zeh RustDianne EnglishDianne IshidaDianne JonesDianne ReidlingerDilsad CoknazDionne LeeDirk EssinkDisha MehtaDIVJAKDominic ChilversDon McMahonDon QuickDonald A. SmithDonald C. HuntDonald C. RoushDonald Gillian-DanielDonald J. HagertyDonald K. ParksDonald M. RobbinsDonald N. StengelDonald R. AllenDonald S. SiegelDonald W. JarrellDonna B. JeffeDonna DaylorDonna HinesDonna L. GoodwinDonna PloesslDonna Reinhart SmithDorcas Rosaley PrakaschandraDorothy E. McNuttDorothy KispertDorrie E. WilliamsDouglas B. ClarkDouglas T. WrightDouglas Tong Kum TienDuane A. KaasDUDUZILE MZINDLEDulcy M. AbrahamDuncan DicksonDwight E. Giles, JrDylan CromhoutDylan KargesE. A. TaylorE. Anne MarshallE. CellE. Daniel McKennaE. FernandoE. N. ColeE. NicholsE. R. PetteboneE. Sam SovillaEarl AndersonEarl S. ElliottEd WatkinsEd WaxEddo CoiacettoEdgar D. DraperEdith C. LawrenceEduardo UriasEducation ScotlandEdward S. LewisEdward SussnaEdward SynotEdwin G. RalphEdwin L. HerrEdwin M. LamboyEdwin RalphEileen BrittElaine L. Rundle-SchwarkElaine S. GreeneEleanor KentElena LisáEli BitzerElinda Ai Lim LeeELISA DUDERElisa HowardElisabeth JonsénElissa MaddenElizabeth BrownElizabeth CraisElizabeth GorbElizabeth H. SparrowElizabeth HalseyElizabeth J. CookElizabeth JamesElizabeth M. HersheyElizabeth MolloyElizabeth RainsburyElizabeth RuinardElizabeth S. England-KennedyElizabeth SanthanamElizabeth W. DunnElizabeth Zachry RutschowElla GrajElla Taylor-SmithEllen AvenosoEllen DuwartEllen N. WinerEllen Weaver-PaquetteElliott MiddletonElsa Patricia Orozco QuijanoELYCE GREENEmanuel ContomanolisEmanuel IstrateEmily A. BeamEmily D'athEmily MolanEmily NemethEmily ParrottEmma BuzzardEmma LawrenceEngin ÖzdemirERANA FOSTEREric DrinkwaterEric KyleEric RodriguezErica WilsonErik R. AlansonErin D. ReillyErin GrantErin M. AlansonErin RamirezErin TwyfordErnest B RaczErnest B. JaskiErtug CanEsther IshengomaEuan LindsayEugenia Twtitty McGeeEva LloydEva SelenkoEvan LeachEve WilliamsonFadi GhemriFaisal AzizFaith Valencia-ForresterFaizah Abd GhaniFan BingxiangFarzanah DesaiFatih AktasFatihah RamliFatma Oya AktasFay PatelFaye MillerFederick C. WendelFelicity BegginsFelicity Rawlings-SanaeiFemke HilverdaFernando Rodriguez LópezFikri DweiriFilomena O. SoaresFiona NaumannFiona PurdieFleur WebbFlorence Adeoti YusufFlorian AubkeFran WallerFrances FinnFrances JacksonFrances RicksFrancine K. SchlosserFrancis D. WalshFrancis DonkorFrancisco A. CondeFrancisco Ernesto Navarrete-BaezFrancisco Salgado-RoblesFrank D. LarkinsFrank D. van AalstFrank EperjesiFrank HoyFrank J. HatfieldFrank JakesFrank P. DeaneFrank RealeFrank VandegriftFranziska TredeFred AbitiaFred BrodskyFrederick C. PanganFreyda C. LazarusFriederika KaiderFriedrich EddingFundiswa NofemelaG. A. YuenG. C. H. KohG. G. MicholsonG. R. WalzG. Ruth Kukiela BorkGabrielle CuestaGail HeriotGail OrmsbyGail WhitefordGao PingzeGaon MitchellGARRY KIRWANGarth MotschenbacherGary BlauGary L. WeltonGary M. SomersGary MarchioroGary PooleGary R. MartinGary SomersGary WingenbachGazi Mahabubul AlamGeertje TijsmaGemma JenkinsGemma LordGemma WebsterGenevieve WatsonGeoffrey ChuGeoffrey MaruyamaGeoffrey R. SwainGeorge A. SmiernowGeorge De LangeGeorge E. ProbstGeorge H. MillerGeorge HinesGeorge J. AllenGeorge J. GoreGeorge K. HoweGeorge KellerGeorge PapadopoulosGeorgina AtkinsonGeorgina BartonGerald A. MurphyGerald BayensGerald H. PaskeGerald PumphreyGeraldine HardieGeraldine Van GynGerhard OswaldGeri SalinitriGermine H. AwadGerry RaynerGilbert PeartGillian SaievaGina AlmericoGina G. BerridgeGina M. AlmericoGiselle RampersadGlen L. ShermanGlen MitchellGLEN WHEELERGlenda CainGlenda F. LentzGlenn FingerGlenn HarrisonGordon K. DaviesGrace A. LaskerGraham BowreyGraham R. BrantonGrainne O'DonoghueGrant HilliardGreg BoydGreg DowneyGreg HalsethGreg RyanGreg WalkerdenGregory A. KnollmanGregory F. LorenzGregory GeerGregory ReddanGretchen A. MosherGretchen Rhines CheneyGrover J. AndrewsGundars KaupinsGurkiran BirdiGuy BatshevaGUZYAL HILLGypsy AbbottH. MaiettaH. B. RatcliffH. F. SchoberlH. J. MurphyH. L. DreyfusH. MaiettaH. Russell BintzerH. Stuart Smith, Jr.Hagit SelaHalcyon St. HillHamdan SaidHan Tong LohHank SchaafsmaHanna-Leena MelenderHarold B. GilbertsonHarold P. RodesHarold S. ResnickHarriet AbleHarriet C. SeligsohnHarriet DismoreHarriet F. BergerHarriet MasonHarris W. DeanHarry KrashinskyHarry N. HeinemannHarry Sharp, Jr.Hasan SaglamelHeather C. VossHeather FoxHeather LylesHeather McCamblyHeather PearceHeather SkanesHeather SloaneHéctor OpazoHeejin YoonHeinz LechleiterHelda Pinzón-PérezHelen CagampangHelen CorkillHelen CrippsHelen FlavellHelen HigsonHelen HughesHelen M. DavisHelen McGregorHelen OlorosoHelen SaengerHelen SaundersonHelen StephensonHelen VillersHelena Cobos RiusHelga NagyHenery D. PopeHennessey HayesHenri JacobsHenrique HonHenry H. L. ChanHerb GroellerHerbert HeatonHermia TingHishamuddin IsmailHitendra PillayHj Ibrahim MaznahHj Ismail KhaidzirHoa Thi Mai NguyenHOLLIE S. TOSEHollie Stephensholly capocchianoHolly Feen-CalliganHolly MatusovichHong HeHongying YuanHorace H. Y. WongHoussem GasmiHoward GardnerHoward SeemanHsi-Chi HsiaoHsi-Hsun TsaiHsin-Cheng ChenHua ZouHugh L. ThompsonHugh MunbyHugo González GonzálezHugo Monroy-CaceresHuiwen HuHulya Julie YaziciHung Bui PhuHussein A. AbdouHussein NabeelHyun Kyoung RoI. A. Toni LeBoldIan H. HardingIan J. KempIan Neil-SmithIan ThomasIde ClintonIdris AdemuyiwaIeva StupansIgnacio De Los Ríos-CarmenadoÍgor Mella NúñezIlke InceogluIllana PerlmanIlze BuliginaImad AlsyoufIna Alexandra MachuraIndra AbeysekaraIndra MeghrajaniInés PhlypoInga Staal JensetInger BergomIngrid LarkinIqbal Ahmad Irene SheridanIrene TemponeIrfan Che-Ani AdiIrina VerinikinaIrvin B. MillerIrwin FeiferIsabel MesquitaIsam AlyaseriIsil Tuzun ArpaciogluIssra PramoolsookIva DurakovicIvan BlakeIvan MeyerIveta SilovaIvy Y. P. WongIwona MiliszewskaIzzy Warren-SmithJ. B. OsanyinroJ. BakerJ. BlackfordJ. D. ConnellyJ. D. FinniganJ. Donald BoudreauJ. Dudley DawsonJ. EnrightJ. F. DonellyJ. G. AllenJ. H. KuckensJ. J. WarrenJ. Joseph Hoey IVJ. L. KolkerJ. M. CoeJ. Martin HaysJ. Nyhof-YoungJ. P. WanousJ. R. EdelheimJ. Robert OwenJ. S. PermaulJ. S. Serj. Scott ChristmanJ. W. Morris WatsonJacinta DalgetyJack GaultJack J. PhillipsJack M. ManghamJack O. L. SaundersJacob HawkinsJacquelene RobeckJacqueline A. DianiJacqueline C. McNeilJacqueline Francis-CoadJacqueline LeighJacqueline MackawayJacqueline RaymondJacqueline RodriguezJacques OosthuizenJacqui McManusJade SheenJake K. NgoJake M. LaguadorJAMES ARVANITAKISJames B. LeeJames C. ChambersJames C. HaugJames C. WilsonJames CuttJames D. LarsonJames E. A. JohnJames E. AllemanJames E. DanielsJames E. GarmonJames F. McKenneyJames F. VickreyJames G. WohlfordJames GarmonJames J. WattersJames JacobsJames K. RussellJames L. AntonickJames L. BrockJames L. HuffJames M. VergerontJames MulkeenJames MurdochJames N. RimbeyJames P. StoneJames PeughJames PlattJames PooleJames R. StellarJames R. Stone, IIIJames StevermerJames T. GodfreyJames W. HallJames W. VartyJames W. WilsonJames WilsonJames WoodJamie PetersonJan EmoryJan VarnerJana PorterJane C. KendallJane FergusonJane KelletJane LoweJane MaidmentJane SpowartJane TsakissirisJane-Louise LampardJanelle E. LawsonJanelle KelpeJanet E. HillerJanet EylerJanet FultonJanet GardnerJanet Hoy-GerlachJanet L. HartleyJanet LiebermanJanet Mannheimer ZydneyJanet McLeodJanet RichardsJanica JamiesonJanice Ahola-SidawayJanice HendersonJanice OrrellJanice Smith-WarshawJanina OnigkeitJannick De TobelJason PenningtonJason SchneiderJavier AlonsoJavier OnrubiaJay MorganJaya B. DavisJAYMEE DEMOS BEVERIDGEJean EganJean JacobyJean L. BrodeyJean MorrellJeanie NewellJeanne Maree AllenJeanne Maree Allen and Deborah PeachJeanne Marie PucilloJeannette KramerJeannette R. AndersonJeela JonesJeff SaltzJeff T. S. FungJeffrey D. YoungJeffrey Glenn SaikaliJeffrey HoyleJeffrey KleinbergJeffrey M. PenickJeffrey M. SiedenbergJeffrey M. StonecashJeffrey SaltzJen-te YangJena BuchanJenna Gillett-SwanJenna H. MarshallJenna JacobsonJenna van DraanenJennifer ClaytonJennifer CoxJennifer DickfosJennifer DiedrichJennifer E. GibsonJennifer E. GrayJennifer FaneJennifer G. ChristnerJennifer JohredtJennifer JohrendtJennifer L. VanSickleJennifer MaddrellJennifer Reed-BouleyJennifer RowleyJennifer SuhJennifer VelezJenny A. ConlonJenny FlemingJenny LloydJenny M. Fleming JERALD HONDONGAJeremiah BarnesJerry DonahueJerry FischerJerry HamannJerry HoepnerJessica AmsbaryJessica BradleyJessica C. RichardsJessica JohnstonJessica L. HurstJessica L. ParkerJessica McCarthyJessica PattisonJessica TaketaJessie JovanovicJhalukpreya SurujlalJi-yeon LeeJihoun AnJill H. TravisJill JaspersonJill MarksJim BlandoJim HordernJim WoulfeJimmie Cochran PrattJimmy BeckJin ZhinanJinda SawattaweeJing WenJioji RavuloJo Ann WaltonJO BORRENJo-Anne ChuckJo-Anne MaireJoan CummingsJoan CuttJoan Daniels PedroJoan M. StoiaJoan MarkJoan RichardsonJoan SchwartzJoan VersnelJoan-Marc JovalJoanna L. NewmanJoanna Lee WilliamsJoanne ConnaughtonJOANNE FORRESTJoAnne ReitanoJock MacLeodJODIE BOOTHJODIE COPLEYJody EarlyJoe J. StasulatJoe ThomasJoel C. MillonziJOEL KEENJoel PitcoffJoey J. JosephJohanna W. LooyeJohannes Vusumuzi ZwaneJohari AbdullahJohn A. ChaseJohn A. CrusoeJohn A. RankinJohn A. SaltmarshJohn B. ChildersJohn C. RogersJohn CapkaJohn D. BowsmanJohn D. SheaJohn DromgooleJohn E. Brown, IIIJohn Edgar MillerJohn G. ReidJohn GerrandJohn GoyderJohn GrahamJohn H. SherrillJOHN HAWJohn HouserJohn I. MatthewsJohn JacksonJohn KnectelJohn L. BiesterJohn L. ChaseJohn M. HamiltonJohn ManganJohn Mark RogersJohn Michael BakerJohn NaisbittJohn P. KotterJohn Rey B. MacindoJohn S. DuleyJohn S. MartelloJohn VinsonhalerJohn WillisonJohnny LoJohnston, StephenJon AmundsonJon HarrisJon YorkeJonas JociunasJonathan D. RaelinJordan Stephanie Mark Morris MarksJorge Klor de AlvaJorgen DimenasJosé Dinis-CarvalhoJosé Luis Álvarez CastilloJose Vega-VilcaJoseph A. RaelinJoseph DambrociaJoseph DuffeyJoseph E. BarbeauJoseph F. HlebichukJoseph HackmanJoseph M. GarlandJoseph M. KellerJoseph M. Pastoré, Jr.JOSEPH MESUWINIJoseph ShenkerJosephine M. CoppedgeJoy HiggsJoy LynehamJoy PapierJoyce F. KinnisonJoyce H. ChanJoyce K. FletcherJoyce MainJude ComfortJudie KayJudith A. BulinJudith A. RollsJudith M. BardwickJudith McNamaraJudith S. RidgwayJudith SmithJudy HumphriesJudy HurdJulia BlackfordJulia CaldicottJulia FotheringhamJulia Marin HellwegeJulianna BanksJULIANNA NIELSENJulie BhosaleJulie BrimblecombeJulie BythewayJulie E. GahimerJulie K. FinniganJulie MorenoJulie WalchliJune ColgraveJunliang LiuJustine LloydJutta DeffnerK MurtaughK RichmondK. Andrew R. RichardsK. HadleyK. Patricia CrossK. T. IsringhausenKa ChanKadie R. RackleyKara TaczakKaren BenzingerKaren CradockKaren HammernessKaren HermonKaren HoKaren HugesKaren L. AndersonKaren R. WilkinsonKaren RobinsonKaren SutherlandKaren VaughanKaren YoungKari Knutson MillerKarim J. NasrKarima RamjiKarin C. RingsbergKarin ReinhardKarin Steiner-BellKarl A. StrandbergKarla KeatingKarolyn WhiteKarsten E. ZegwaardKarsten ZegwaardKaryn WardKATARINAKatarína HennelováKATARINA PAŽUR ANICICKate Charlton-RobbKate CollierKate DuncansonKate LloydKate MarchesiKate MeechKate PittsKate ThomsonKath McLachlanKatharina WolfKatharine HoskynKatherine Ariemma MarinKatherine ChretienKatherine E. McLaughlinKatherine GibsonKatherine M. BeyerKathie ArdzejewskaKathie J. WyattKathleen Cramer TotoroKathleen FowlerKathleen HarcharikKathleen KeoghKathleen L. FinnKathleen LiangKathleen McNamaraKathleen QuinnKathryn Anderson-LevittKathryn HayKathryn J. GramignaKathryn McLachlanKathryn P. CornforthKathryn von TreuerKathy HenschkeKatie AshcroftKatie KnappKatie M. MurphyKatja FleischmannKatrina JordanKatrina WeberKay HartwigKay SkinnerKaye DotsonKeiko C. P. BostwickKeith D. WalkerKeith H. K. FungKeith WalkerKeith WinsorKelli Jo SchutteKelli RichmondKellie BrittKelly ClanchyKelly-Mae SavilleKelsey LowrieKelsey WillKelsie M. BernotKen CollKen DuncanKen N. MeadowsKen SpoursKen TeterKenneth A. WeaverKenneth B. HoytKenneth C. BennettKenneth G. RyderKenneth LeithwoodKenneth R. BartkusKenneth R. BowmanKenneth WalzKeri MooreKerrianne WattKerry BissakerKerry ShephardKerryl R. BeisselKeryn McDermottKettil CedercreutzKevin B. BalesKevin CarlsonKevin CodyKevin KaneKGOMOTLOKOA LINDA THABA-NKADIMENEKhush K. PittengerKieran WalshKieron RooneyKieva RichardsKim MaundKim UsherKimberley JamesKimberley JamisonKimberly B. BoalKimberly ColemanKimberly WallinKirrily ManningKirsten MacDonaldKirsti KletteKirstin RossKirsty SpenceKiru TrumanKlodwig MgayaKohar JonesKolleen Miller-RosserKoon WongKrimili InfanteKrishen MehtaKristal CurryKristen BettsKristen BiedaKristen Finley SobotaKristie CampanaKristina JohanssonKristine CrondahlKristy RobsonKristy TucciaroneKristyn FrankKurosh DiniKylie Dotson-BlakeL. A. MadonnaL. Diane BanksL. JordanL. L. KnickerbockerL. Murray GillinLalita KinesLariane FonsecaLarissa BarberLarry IlesLarry M. HynsonLarry M. LandisLars Owe DahlgrenLars SatowLars SvenssonLata A. KrishnanLaura De ZwaanLaura E. GattoLaura HammersleyLaura L. Sullivan Laura LittlepageLaura M. BlinkhornLaura RookLaura RyserLaura S. TenenbaumLaura WeaverLaura WrightLaura YongeLaurel HirtLaurel WinegarLauren A. CormierLauren AddarioLauren CormierLauren R. PaulsonLaurence LipsettLaurie RichardsonLawrence J. Kane, Jr.Lawrence N. CanjarLeah DanielLeanne CarterLee FergussonLeela A. SharmaLeemen LeeLeena Eklund KarlssonLeif KarlssonLeigh DevesLeigh Gronich MundhenkLeigh M. MckaugeLeigh N. WoodLena HorlemannLennart StrandlerLennarth BernhardssonLenore BorzakLeo F. KuhnLeonard E. PlachtaLeonard J. GlickLeonard J. WattsLeoni RussellLeopold BayerleinLesley BainbridgeLesley CooperLesley G. WirtLesley J. MooreLesley R. Ferkins Lesley VidovichLeslie C. SquiresLeslie F. MalpassLeslie F. TaylorLeslie K. PendletonLeslie ShadeLeslie Shuler SvacinaLesly WilkesLester FinchLeticia Fernández-MoralesLetitia Del FabbroLevinia PakuLi DezhongLi LianchangLi YubingLi ZhongLiao De QuiangLibby WestLibert V. P. DiaforliLidia Borell-DamiánLiem Truong Thi TuLightning JayLihan ChenLilian W. MinaLilli Viviana CasanoLillie S. RansomLily Y. L. ChanLinda Anast-MayLinda Bates ParkerLinda BenningtonLinda Casey MatsonLinda HardymonLinda HughesLinda K. GibsonLinda K. GoodLinda L. BoenLinda SchoonmadeLinda SearbyLinda SweetLindie ClarkLindon E. SalineLindsey PayneLindy McAllisterLinette IrwinLinghong LuLisa AndersenLisa ArmstrongLisa BorgerdingLisa BourkeLisa BricknellLisa GatesLisa MilneLisa RoweLisa SiscoLisa WardLiyong ZhangLiz BrackenLiz ThyerLizel HudsonLloyd AxworthyLoga Devi Balla SoupramanienLoletta YuenLORETTA ISKRALori A. BraunsteinLori MooreLorin YochimLorna M. HaywardLorna MoxhamLorraine SmithLorraine StaehrLouis R. GiddingLouis RobinsonLouise A. DunnLouise DunnLouise HorstmanshofLouise RyanLouise van HerwerdenLourdes Sánchez-LópezLu YangLuc De VisschereLuc MarksLucero RadonicLucio TelesLucy ChipchaseLUCY HUNTERLuigina MortariLuiza AntonieLukas GrafLukasz GolabLuke van der LaanLuther B. EptingLuther B. OttoLy Thi TranLydia ProfetaLyndal SheepwayLyndel BatesLynette D. HodgesLYNETTE REIDLynette StockhausenLynn GambinLynn MartinLYNN SHERIDANLynnaire SheridanLynne BrownM. David HaddockM. J. AlderM. Javed Iqbal M. Jill AustinM. Katie EgartM. KatzM. Kevin Eagan, Jr.M. MoskowitzM. PenmanM. R. McQuistanM. RyanM. SalamMaarten ArentsenMack C. Shelly IIMadalyn H. SmithMaddalena della VolpeMadelyn NicoleMadelyn P. LawMagdolna LörincMaggie ScoreyMahabat BaimyrzaevaMahani MokhtarMahmoud HaddaraMaja RauchleMalcolm BrewerMalcolm CampbellMalcolm ReesMandi JamesMandy Samantha Crawford-LeeManilall DhurupManuel J. SepúlvedaManvir EdwardsMarc ClaràMarc DueyMarc LampeMarcela Vásquez-LeónMarcia FriesenMarco UbbialiMarcos G. AlbertiMarcus I. PoppenMarcy SmelkinsonMaree Dinan-ThompsonMaree Donna SimpsonMaree SimpsonMaree WaloMargaret A. MurrayMargaret B. BaileyMargaret B. WilsonMARGARET BASSONMargaret BoydMargaret FaughnanMargaret L. McBeathMargaret McKinnonMargaret S. SassMargaret SnellMargarietha Johanna de Villiers ScheepersMargery K. AndersonMargo BrewerMaria AmigoMaria C. DolceMaria Carme Peguera-CarreMaria Cecilia Noche StephensMaria EkegrenMaría Jesús Martínez UsarraldeMaría Jesús Santos SánchezMaria M. RyanMaria OrtnerMaria PérezMaria Victoria V. BongarMarian BrendaMarian HoyMarián Queiruga-DiosMarian SaundersMarian TsegahMariana Buenestado FernándezMarianne LewisMarianne MckayMarie KavanaghMarika RonthyMarilyn K. FagerMarilyn P. DunnMarina HarveyMario Córdova-ClaudioMario Gustavo MujicaMarion CerasoMarion M. LordMarion R. CraftMarita SalmuMarius WesselsMarjolein ZweekhorstMarjorie Campo RinglerMark A. SchierMark A. ServaMark BrimbleMark BroughMark C. BolinoMark DeschaineMark EastonMark HolmesMark J. FensterMark LattaMark LayMark LokenMark McDonaldMark RyanMark SchneiderMark SnyderMark SymmonsMarlena B. McGlothlin LesterMarlene KienbergerMarrelyn BatesMarshall E. McGheeMarte FallshoreMartha DelgadoMartin HaydenMartin HendyMartin LewisMartin McMillanMartin PartingtonMartin TolichMarty FordMartyn JonesMarvin D. JensonMary BajekMary D. HowardMary Ellen MacdonaldMary F. CarneyMary GrahamMary HigginsMary J. ThompsonMary Jane S. Van MeterMary K. NelsonMary LesperanceMary Lewis BaconMary Lou ZoglinMary M. LewisMary MartinMary R. FlynnMary R. HuntMary Vielhaber HermonMaryam AminMaryann HeverlyMaryna ReynekeMaryse Adjo QuashieMatoteng M. NcubeMatt FifoltMatt HitchcockMatthew CampbellMatthew CooteMatthew D. ArnettMatthew HoraMatthew J. O'BrienMatthew M. FifoltMatthew OhlandMatthias PilzMaureen BoshierMaureen H. KimMaureen RyanMaureen T. B. DrysdaleMaureen TamMaurice KaufmanMaurice P. HartleyMaurits Van RooijenMax B. RobinsonMax G. GroggMax JabsMaximillian PflaumMay Lim Sok MuiMay-Fung YeoMaya Subbarao IyerMd. Rezaul Islam and Ahmadullah MiaMeagan CrabbMeagen RosenthalMegan CharityMegan O'Neill HajdukMeghan MilleaMeijuan ChenMeilin YaoMelanie Beth MarksMelanie BirksMelanie BushneyMelanie J. RobbinsMelanie PietersMelicaalsadat MirsafianMelinda HallMelissa BessahaMelissa GarrettMelissa H. BlackMelissa KempMellisa HoltzmanMelody Nosisa MtimkuluMelvin FranzMelvin W. SimmsMEREDITH KENNEDYMeredythe D. CrawfordMerrelyn BatesMerridy Wilson-StrydomMerrolee PenmanMerry C. TyonMeryl L. SussmanMia Le RouxMiana PlescaMicah J. SobotaMichael AdamsMichael B. DugganMichael B. GoldsteinMichael BugejaMICHAEL CAMERONMichael ClementsMichael CrumptonMICHAEL D. O’CONNORMichael D. ReillyMichael D. SublettMichael DaleMichael EdmundsMichael EmslieMichael G. HelliwellMichael Hatter Michael J. HoffmanMichael M. HomerMichael NarodoslawskyMichael R. deAyoraMichael RichardsonMichael SharpMichael SinghMichael W. LittleMichael WhelanMichael-John DepalmaMichaela BakerMichel P. JanisseMichele FairbrotherMichelle J. EadyMICHELLE L. OPPERTMichelle LasenMichelle MeyMichelle O'SheaMichelle StrenkowskiMichelle TurnerMichelle WattersMichiko IwasakiMiguel A. Santos RegoMiguel Ángel Queiruga-DiosMiha LovsinMike CanterMike ClementsMike MurrayMike WrightMikhail ZenchenkovMiki Itano-BoaseMilosh RaykovMimi StaultersMiri Tal-SabanMiriam LangerMiriam RothmanMiriam WeiszMiriama PostlethwaiteMitchell FriedmanMohamed Sameer HoosainMohammad Reza NiliMohammad S. ParsaMohammed A. AlabdulahfezMohammed A. AlabdulhafezMohd Johan Ahmad KhiriMohd Yusof Nor AfianMonde KazeniMonica KennedyMonica PoseyMonica Siems McKayMonisoye ‘Sola AfolabiMonte R. FreemanMonte WynderMoreen RabinoMorgan LewingMorley GundersonMorris T. KeetonMoyosola´Kemi MeduMuhammad Sukri SaudMuhlise ÖgeyikMuneeb RahmatMurray CullenMustafa Zulkuf AltanMyriam SullivanN. C. GysbersN. Douglas LeesN. WiltonNadianatra MusaNadine BlignautNadira MirzaNadjib BrahimiNaiomi HammondNancy A. ScottNancy EspinozaNancy Hirschinger-BlankNancy HoffartNancy HutchinsonNancy JohnstonNancy L. HutchinsonNancy Marie ArthurNancy R. JonesNancy ReedNancy WaiteNancy WesselNanditha HettitantriNaomi WeintraubNarelle PattonNaroa EtxebarriaNatalee Elizabeth PopadiukNatalia GajdamaschkoNatalia NikolovaNatalie Ann WongNatalie ChurykNatalie FrostNatalie GambleNatarsha TezcanNathan R. KeithNational Centre for Vocational Education ResearchNava SubramaniamNavdeep Kaur DandiwalNeha MehtaNeil DempsterNeil FaucetteNeil I. WardNeil J. HaighNeil RossmanNeil TaylorNell P. EurichNemy H. ChavezNeville CollingNg Boon HwangNhung Thi Hong NguyenNicholas BohnNicholas FuhrmanNicholas J. KirschNICHOLAS VANDERSCHANTZNichole RamirezNick J. KokNick PilcherNICOLA ANDERSONNicola MytonNigel CraigNigel FoxhallNigel GribbleNigel KingNigel WallaceNina PellingNiree KraushaarNita ChhinzerNOAH ARNEYNoel BurchellNoel N. KriftscherNor Fadila AminNora BirdNora GimpelNorah McRaeNorman L. MillikinNorman P. AuburnNorman R. PageNorman S. SmithNtimi N. MtawaNurham GumrukcuogluNyane Ezekiel Macdonald MofokengO. E. AlaoOai C. ToORIANA PRICEÓscar Chiva-BartollOSCAR COONEYP. AburdeneP. CattonP. F. DruckerP. GardnerP. HutchingsP. O. AlaoPa HerPam IannottiPamela AdamsPamela Bolton HowzePamela EakinsPär EngströmParticia OrmsbyPat Hill HubbardPat O'MahonyPatricia B. MullanPatricia DahlPatricia L. BrownPatricia L. LinnPatricia LucasPatricia M. RowePatricia MilnePatricia ParrottPatricia T. van der VormPatricia WhannellPatrick ChisangaPatrick DichabengPatrick F. ToddPatrick J. O'ReganPatrick KeleherPatrick L. RemingtonPatrick McHughPatrick Wai-ki TingPatti PagelsPaul BatistaPaul D. SheltonPaul DaviesPaul DeruosiPaul DraperPaul DunnPaul E. DubéPaul E. HarringtonPaul F. BullerPaul FadilPaul J. CrokePaul M. HuberPaul M. PrattPaul MillerPaul PutmanPaul ScottPaul SimpsonPaul StansbiePaul V. CrokePaul WardPaula NealePAULETTE ANNONPauline J. RossPauline RossPedro Jesús Ruiz-MonteroPedro Mauricio Acosta CastellanosPeg NugentPei-Ling HsuPeiying ChenPenelope Engel-HillsPenelope EspinozaPenny J. ClarkPer-Olof ThangPeta SalterPeter AkinsPeter C. K. PangPeter ChinPeter CipparonePeter CrumePeter HoltzPeter HopkinsPeter HorvathPeter J. FranksPeter J. MurphyPeter JonesPeter KumblePeter M. GotliebPeter MilleyPeter N. KiririPetra SpietzerPetrina BatholmeusPetros StavropoulosPetrus VenterPhil ArkowPhil ColemanPhil CranePhil SmithPhilip D. GardnerPhilip E. JohnsonPhilip GardnerPhilip J. LauverPhilip JonesPhilip KirbyPhilip PowellPhilip R. Day, Jr.Philip RosePhilip V. SpearsPhilipp A. StoeberlPhilipp GononPhilippe MustarPhillip C. SmithPhillip C. WrightPhillip D. RumrillPhyllis C. P. PangPHYLLIS KUDZAI MAPHOSAPierre BenckendorffPierre BonnetPieter SmitPieter SteenkampPilar AramburuzabalaPilar FolgueirasPolly HutchesonPooja BhallaPrabhat ChandPrecious C MacheraPriscilla BellPriscilla Chaffe-StengelPrue HowardQi WangQiang ZhaQiuming WuR. ColesR. D. EatonR. D. PorterR. H. ZedlitzR. J. WeiserR. K. WatersR. LeveringR. N. AnantharamanR. Pierce HeadR. S. MoorthyR. T. LundR. W. K. WebbRachael FieldRachael Hains-WessonRachel LuchmunRachel RobertsonRachelle CurcioRachelle ReisbergRadhika JaidevRaewyn TudorRaisuyah BhagwanRajendra ChavanRalph B. McNerneyRalph C. PorterRalph W. TylerRandall E. RuppartRandi GarciaRandy HamrickRandy WimmerRansford AntwiRaphael SikwaneRavi BhatRavi K. JainRay MeldrumRay S. LindenmeyerRaymond G. HerbertRaymond LeongRebecca A. CruzRebecca BilousRebecca DonkinRebecca H. BilousRebecca Kate OatesRebecca M. SealeyRebecca MallozziRebecca NewhookRebecca T. Marsh NaturkachRebecca ThessinRebecka A. HagertyRegina Figueiredo-BrownReginald WilsonRenate WesselinkReneé A. ZuccheroRenee BarnesRENÉE LIVERNOCHERenee LoviREUBEN BOLTRezaul IslamRhoda MeyerRhoda SohunRiccardo NatoliRichard A. HayesRichard A. PayneRichard A. PullinRichard A. RoblesRichard CanaleRichard ChapmanRichard D. PorterRichard D. ReinaRichard E. SpragueRichard F. TasRichard FosterRichard HigginsRichard J. RoweRichard K. CollRichard K. LadyshewskyRichard K. SudweeksRichard K. WagnerRichard L. PattenaudeRichard L. PothRichard L. WilsonRichard L. WisemanRichard M. FreelandRichard MillerRichard P. NielsenRichard ParsonsRichard ReedRichard RoweRichard Stephen ParkerRichard SudweeksRichard SwamiNathanRichard SwansonRichie MoalosiRick FlowersRick WilliamsRicky TunnyRidvan ArslanRita BroderRita Cilliers and Pieter SmitRobert A. DubickRobert A. EmryRobert A. SchindlerRobert AyresRobert B. AuldRobert B. KimmelRobert B. MautzRobert B. PyleRobert C. MariniRobert C. WhitakerRobert DavieRobert E. PruettRobert E. VozzellaRobert F. PecorellaRobert FarmerRobert FoertschRobert FrostRobert G. RymellRobert HeckmanROBERT HOGGRobert I. LermanRobert J. SternbergRobert L. A. HancockRobert L. MartinRobert L. SchultheisRobert L. SwinthRobert LaslettRobert M. HarperRobert M. NicholsRobert M. PriceRobert M. SprinkleRobert MacheraRobert NashRobert P. McCafferyRobert PerloffRobert R. TillmanRobert S. BrownRobert S. DavieRobert SprouleRobert T. DeaneRobert W. PiperRobert WhannellRobert Z. WaryszakRoberta SilvaRobin FinlayRobin KingRobyn AlbersRobyn Fay WilsonRobyn JonesRobyn MuldoonRochelle WijesinghaRod B. McNaughtonRodney DuffetRoelien BrinkRoger B. MasonRoger B. WadsworthRoger C. MannellRoger D. CorneliussenRoger SpildeRoger W. HuttROMA FORBESRon DowellRonald A. GrantRonald E. RiggioRonald Huesman Jr.Ronald R. HarrisRonald R. MatsonRonel BlomRonel RizzoRos SambellRosa ColominaRosario CerrilloRose PalmerRoselyn TolerRosemarie DiMarcoRosemary NicholsonRosemary TownsendRosetta R. ReedRosie McGregorRoss O'NeilRoss SmithRoy L. WooldridgeRoy RasalamRuben GomesRubina Liyakat KhanRuby LatifRuey-Gwo ChungRui M. LimaRukhsana Aslam AyubRussell CraigRussell StraubRuth ChristiansonRUTH DUNWOODIERuth HelyerRuth HickeyRuth LeibowitzRuth SismanRuth StrevelerRyan DanielRyan J. DwyerS. E. DreyfusS. F. HamiltonS. Jeanne HorstS. KraussS. R. KraussS. Turner-WalkerSabrina KirschkeSaeed ForoudastanSage BarclaySahara R. SmithSallie D. MayerSallie W. NowellSally A. MaleSally A. SantenSally BurfordSally KiftSALLY LEWISSally MildonSally RaeSally S. DickersonSally SmithSally StevensSally Wai Yin LeeSamantha BrunhaverSamantha GilchristSamuel FongwaSamuel H. Lamb, IISandra DaffSandra GraceSandra IngramSandra Q. LarsonSandra WanSang Joon LeeSanga KimSara GallSara GealeSara L. C. MackenzieSara L. CochranSarah BaileySarah BeckerSarah HayesSarah J. ShumanSarah K. ClarkSarah KrivankaSarah LebermanSarah McGeeSarah McGrewSarah NovickSarah Schneider KavanaghSarah TarshisSarah WernerSarah-Anne SchumannSarah-Louise CollinsSarita BennettSarita Hardin-RamananSarojni ChoySaurabh SinhaSchantal HectorScott BeattieScott C. SeiderScott DawsonScott KickhaeferScott WeighartSean ByrneSean D. MooreSean DuffySean MarkeySeana MoranSebastiaan KooleSebestyen Tihamer-TiborSELLO MOKOENASelma M. IipingeSENG HANSENSeohee ChangSergio BlancoSérgio MonteiroSeth ParsonsSeyed Mohammad Sadegh TabatabaeiSeymour B. SarasonShabnam Surjitsingh IvkovicShadab ShahShafik DharamsiShahrooz MohajeriShakeel OriShalini T. ReddyShamika AlmeidaShamus SmithShan ZhongShane LaveryShane PillShani PearsonShanita Roopnarain and Bina AkoobhaiShannon H. CashShantal HectorShaokun YuSHAREN NISBETSharfuddin A. KhanShari L. PetersonSharleen HowisonSharon J. HillSharon K. OwenSharon L. HarsherSharon PateSharon RubinSharon StullSharyn McDonaldShashi S. NambisanSheila C. GordonSheila GraingerSheila Landfair MuellerShelby J. TaylorShelley V. MetzgerShelly RaybackSheri SheppardSherry James CookSherry JarrellShirley AgostinhoShirley WilliamsShiu RamShivangi ChopraShu-yun ChengShuhui Sophy ChengShweta ChopraShyh-Hwag LeeSian LewisSiddarth Singh BistSidney F. AustinSilvana Di BonoSimon A. MossSimon RhodesSimone AlvarezSIMONE HOWELLSSinead McMahonSing D'ArcySiphokazi KwatubanaSofia KhananayevSolomon HobermanSonia BusseySonia FernsSonja GallagherSonya GirdlerSookhenlall PadaruthSophia DemetriouSophia ImranSOPHIE BUCHANANSophie M. KeeleSpencer NilesSri SoejatminahSrivalli Vilapakkam NagarajanStacey CarterStacey WalkerStacy GeckStanislaus N. NsohStefan Sorin MuresanSteffen WildStella McKnightStella QuimboStella ThompsonStephan HayStephan MaierStephanie Hayne BeattyStephanie L. BairdStephanie M. EvansStephen BeyerStephen BillettStephen EllenbogenStephen J. MitchualStephen JohnstonSTEPHEN JONATHAN WHITTYStephen M. KaneStephen R. HerrSteve CollinsSteven C. LarsonSteven FrankelSteven G. AndersonSteven G. BuddSteven L. SchweizerSteven W. J. KoslowskiStewart B. CollinsStuart BeardStuart PalmerStuart TennantStuart TerrySu-Chang ChenSubhashni NathanSubramaniam AnanthramSue BainesSue KleveSue NoySUEANNE WARESuhaila SaeeSuniti BandaranaikeSuniti SharmaSuobere T. PuyateSusan C. RobertsSusan DoelSusan EdgarSusan K. FlowersSusan M. McCurdySusan MateSusan TaylorSusanna BarberSusanna ChamberlainSusanne KopatzSusanne M. OwenSusanne TaylorSusanne Taylor and Cookie GovenderSusie MacFarlaneSusie R. RaySUSY F. ROSTIYANTISuzanne E. CarrellSuzanne E. GordonSuzanne J. PiotrowskiSuzanne KotevskiSuzanne L. StewartSven AldersSvenja SchlachterSwati B. RamadoraiSyed Shafeq Syed MansorSylvia J. BrownT. C. GirardT. C. T. ChewT. ForesterT. J. NoyelleT. Judene PrettiT. K. ChiaT. M. SoelaimanT. M. StanbackT. N H. NguyenT. Pascal BrownTallie M. KranzTameka SpenceTania HartTanya BehrischTANYA DU PLESSISTanya LawlisTara JafferyTara NeyTara ReganTara RepkaTara WalkerTarita FisherTarry G. SlusherTARYN JONESTasmin ThomasTatiana KalninsTAWANDA CHINENGUNDUTed BenzingTele TanTerence HogarthTeresa A. BennettTeresa MauriTeresa ShumeTeresa SwirskiTeresa SwistTerje VaalandTerrence E. DealTerrence S. RobinsonTerri W. EnsleinTerry DavisTerry James McCainTerry KindTerry SloanTessa BergThai VuThandwa MthembuTharron BloomfieldThayaparan GajendranThe Sutton TrustTheda ThomasTheo PapakonstantinouTheodore T. SchallTheresa CullenTheresa D. HowardTheresa UrbanzTheresa Winchester-SeetoThobeka Pearl MakhathiniThomas A. DahanThomas C. LittleThomas Charles HenryThomas Cheun LamThomas DeissingerThomas DobbelsteinThomas GroenewaldThomas H. J. StoelingaThomas J. MillarThomas J. TemplinThomas L. InglisThomas LansThomas NewboldThomas OsburgThomas R. HaugsbyThomas R. OliverThomas R. OwensThomas StittThulile Promise NdlovuThursica KovinthanThuthukile JitaTIA DAWESTiejian ZhangTiffany BourelleTiffany KindrattTim KofahlTim PerkinsTim SeaholmeTimo GnambsTimothy AlftTimothy K. StantonTina KosteckiTina M. KrugerTina McAdieTirupalavanam G. GaneshTIYAMIKE NGONDATodd ChernerTom HadleyTom NewboldTom W. MaxwellToni CopelandToni HannellyTony BrannonTony LoughlandTony WallTorbjorn FalkmerTorsten LundgrenToshiaki KatoTracey BowenTracey Louise NelsonTRACIE MAFILE’OTracy L. DurksenTracy RutherfordTrae StewartTrevor BudgeTREVOR GERHARDTTrevor HilaireTRISH MUNDYTuba GökmenogluTugra KarademirTushar AgrawalUlrik McCarthy PerssonUrsula GittensUwe KrebsV. C. MarshallV. D. NguyenV. G. ReedV. KandagaleV. RobinsonVaille DawsonValentine David MetuVALENTINE MUKURIAValerie AntcliffValerie KinlochValerie M. CowanValerie T. AkeyoVanessa SturreVarrick Douglas Jr. Vasiliki BriniaVasso ApostolidesVeeraporn SiddooVella GoebelVernicka K. TysonVeronica N. LeonaVERONICA SALMVicki SamelsonVictor BrionVictoria BirdsongVictoria LeeVictoria SavaleiVictoria Vázquez VerderaVidel NelsonVien TruongVikki H. BlackViktorija DobravecVille BjörckVincent BlokVincent RossmeierVircher B. FloydVirgina W. SternVirginia LaetzVirginia TaylorVivianna SappaVivienne MackisackVladimir YackovlevVlatka Zivotic-KukoljVoris R. ConradW. E. StirtonW. F. KerkaW. H. SchmidtW. Henry TuckerW. James WeeseW. Keats SparrowW. Norton GrubbW. R. YenscoW. W. HagertyWalter A. GhantWalter WesselsWalther G. PrausnitzWan-Ling ChangWanda B. MosbackerWang HuiliWang ShibinWayne MorseWayne WilliamsWeldon WebbWendy CukierWendy Fox-TurnbullWendy GeringerWendy GilesWendy M. WilliamsWendy SteeleWendy Sutherland-SmithWendy TegartWichit Srisa-anWillard D. CheekWilliam A. LarameeWilliam A. StullWilliam AlwellWilliam C. FridayWilliam C. MartinWilliam C. OakesWilliam D. BostwickWilliam D. WestonWilliam G. NealWilliam H. BakerWilliam J. McMullenWIlliam KjellstromWilliam Moore, Jr.William Soares Dos SantosWilliam Thomas BarrettWilliam WarbergWilliard D. BostwickWillie CampbellWing Yan YuWm. Benjamin Martz, Jr.Wolfgang BauerWolfgang LehmannWoo-Seung KimWorawit JanchaiXavier MatteucciXia ChaoXiao ZhangXiaoyan ZhangXin LiXinmin ZhouYan GuangfenYang QiuboYao AdjrahYarrow AndrewYasushi TanakaYen-Lin ChiuYitka GrahamYong Lim FooYoram KrozerYousef O. Al-RashidYuheng Helen JiangYusri KaminYvonne HilliYvonne I. WoodYvonne SteinertZahra Babadi AkasheZane HammZane WubbenaZauwiyah AhmadZhang LiZhijian ShiZi ChenZi YangZiming QiZoe MurrayZuzana HeinzováAalborg UniversityAbraham Baldwin Agricultural College Acadia UniversityAetna Institute for Corporate EducationAl-Muthanna UniversityAlamance Community CollegeAlbany Junior CollegeAlderson-Broaddus CollegeAllegheny CollegeAmerican Association for the Advancement of ScienceAmerican Association of Community CollegesAmerican Council on EducationAmerican University Career CenterAnglia Polytechnic UniversityAntioch CollegeAntioch UniversityApplied Management Sciences, IncAra Institute of CanterburyArizona State UniversityAshland UniversityAsia Pacific International UniversityAssiniboine Community CollegeAssociation for Computer-Aided Design in ArchitectureAssociation for International Practical TrainingAston UniversityAthena InstituteAuburn UniversityAuburn University at MontgomeryAuburn University, MontgomeryAuckland University of TechnologyAustralian Catholic UniversityAustralian National UniversityAzusa Pacific CollegeBabcock and WilcoxBaden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State UniversityBall State UniversityBatchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education, Bay Area Cooperative Education ClearinghouseBaylor UniversityBeloit CollegeBenevolent SocietyBerea CollegeBernardston, MassachusettsBerry CollegeBloomfield CollegeBoise State UniversityBond UniversityBorough of Manhattan Community CollegeBoston CollegeBoston Health Care for the Homeless ProgramBoston UniversityBotswana Employers' FederationBowling Green State UniversityBoys Town CenterBradley UniversityBrandeis UniversityBrigham Young UniversityBrigham Young University, LaieBritish Columbia Institute of TechnologyBrock UniversityBrookdale Community CollegeBrooklyn CollegeBroward Community CollegeBurroughs CorporationCalifornia Community CollegesCalifornia State Polytechnic UniversityCalifornia State UniversityCalifornia State University FullertonCalifornia State University, FresnoCalifornia State University, FullertonCambridge UniversityCambridge, MassachussettsCamp Dresser & McKee, Inc.Cape Peninsula University of TechnologyCapilano UniversityCapital University of Economics and BusinessCardiff UniversityCardinal Stritch University Carleton UniversityCarnegie Institute of TechnologyCarolina Power & Light CompanyCastrol Technology CentreCentennial College of Applied Arts and TechnologyCentral Bureau of Educational Visits and ExchangesCentral Missouri State UniversityCentral Queensland UniversityCentral University of TechnologyCentral Washington State CollegeCentral Washington UniversityCentre for Advanced Study in the Bahvioral SciencesCentre for Gerontological NursingChaoyang University of TechnologyCharles Darwin UniversityCharles Sturt UniversityCharles Telfair InstituteChartered Quantity SurveyorsChiang Mai UniversityCincinnati Children's HospitalCincinnati Technical CollegeCivil Service CommissionClark UniversityCleveland State UniversityClose the Gap Consulting and TrainingCoastal Carolina UniversityColeman Behavioral HealthCollege of Arts, Science, and TechnologyCollege of CharlestonCollege of Medicine and Health SciencesCollege of Saint MaryCollege of the MainlandColorado State UniversityColumbus State Community CollegeConcordia CollegeConservatoire National des Arts et MetiersCooperative Education Branch, O.S.O.E.Cornell UniversityCorning, Inc.Council for the Advancement of Experiential LearningCrown-Hill UniversityCurtin UniversityCzech University of Life SciencesDeakin UniversityDelaware County CampusDelaware County Community CollegeDenison UniversityDePaul UniversityDetroit EdisonDetroit Institute of TechnologyDiakon Youth ServicesDiamond ShamrockDoane CollegeDow, Lohnes, & AlbertsonDrake UniversityDrexel UniversityDrury UniversityDublin City UniversityDundalk Community CollegeDuquesne UniversityDurban University of TechnologyEarlham CollegeEast Carolina UniversityEastern Michigan UniversityÉcole d'Hôtellerie et de Tourisme Paul DubruleEdinburgh Napier UniversityEdith Cowan UniversityEducational Testing ServiceEmbassy of Indonesia, Washington, D.C.Embassy of Trinidad and Tobago, Washington, D.C.Emerson CollegeEmpire State CollegeEmployee Training Development and BenefitsEmployment and ImmigrationEmporia State UniversityErasmus University RotterdamETC PublicationsEuropean Center for the Development of Vocational EducationEuropean University of LefkeFatima Memorial Hospital Medical and Dental CollegeFatima Memorial SystemFederal Coal Mine HealthFederal University of Rio de JaneiroFederation UniversityFlinders UniversityFlorida Atlantic UniversityFlorida Gulf Coast UniversityFlorida Institute of TechnologyFlorida International UniversityFlorida State UniversityFord Motor CompanyFordham UniversityFresno City CollegeFujian Provincial Education CommissionGaborone UniversityGallaudet CollegeGeneral DynamicsGeneral Electric CompanyGeneral Motors CorporationGeneral Motors InstituteGeorge Washington UniversityGeorgetown UniversityGeorgia Institute of TechnologyGeorgia Perimeter CollegeGeorgia Power CompanyGeorgia State UniversityGhent UniversityGlasgow Caledonia UniversityGlasgow Metropolitan CollegeGlasgow, ScotlandGlasswing TherapyGolden West CollegeGothenburg UniversityGovernors State UniversityGreater Lakes Mental Health CareGriffith UniversityGrove Cite CollegeGuilford Technical CollegeHankuk University of Foreign StudiesHannam UniversityHarper Adams UniversityHarvard UniversityHenry Ford Community CollegeHo Chi Minh City University of TechnologyHofstra UniversityHokaido UniversityHolyoke Community CollegeHong Kong Polytechnic UniversityHopkins High SchoolHoward UniversityHsiuping Institute of TechnologyHue UniversityHuman Sciences Research CouncilIBMIBM, SouthfieldIllinois Institute of TechnologyIllinois State UniversityIllumination FoundationImam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal UniversityIN TRANSITION, INC.Indiana Campus CompactIndiana State UniversityIndiana UniversityIndiana University at KokomoInstituto Universitario Federale per la Formazione ProfessionalIowa State UniversityJ. Sergeant Reynolds Community CollegeJames Cook UniversityJames Madison UniversityJersey City State CollegeJohn Brown UniversityJohn Hancock Financial ServicesJohnson & Wales UniversityJoslin Diabetes Foundation, Inc.Journal of Cooperative EducationJustus Liebig UniversityJustus Liebig University GiessenKansas State UniversityKean CollegeKenneth Kaunda FoundationKent Business SchoolKent State UniversityKettering UniversityKristianstad UniversityLa Trobe UniversityLaGuardia Community CollegeLakehead UniversityLane Community CollegeLaurence Institute of TechnologyLaurentian UniversityLearnWork ConsultingLeeds Trinity UniversityLeeuwarden College of Higher Professional EducationLehigh UniversityLinkoping UniversityLiverpool Hope UniversityLondon School of EconomicsLong Island UniversityLong Island University, Southampton CampusLoughborough UniversityLouisiana State UniversityLoyola University MarylandLunghwa University of Science and TechnologyLyndon State CollegeMacomb Community CollegeMacquarie UniversityMacy'sMadison Area Technical CollegeManchester Metropolitan UniversityMankato State CollegeMarian UniversityMassey UniversityMatej Bel UniversityMax Planck Institute for Human DevelopmentMcGhee & AssociatesMcGill UniversityMcGraw-Hill Inc.Memorial University of NewfoundlandMerced Community CollegeMercer County Community CollegeMerritt CollegeMetro South HealthMiami-Dade Junior CollegeMichigan State UniversityMiddle Tennessee UniversityMing Chi University of TechnologyMinnesota State Community and Technical CollegeMinot State UniversityMississippi State UniversityModul University ViennaMohawk CollegeMonash UniversityMonroe Community CollegeMontana State UniversityMontano, Summers, Mullen & ManuelMontclair State CollegeMontreal-Anderson CollegeMoravian CollegeMotorola UniversityMount Royal UniversityMount Saint Vincent UniversityMultimedia UniversityMunster Technological UniversityMurray State UniversityNanyang Technological InstituteNational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNational Changhua University of EducationNational Child Labor Committee, New YorkNational Commission for Cooperative EducationNational Society for Internships and Experiential EducationNational Taiwan Normal UniversityNational University of Medical SciencesNaval Postgraduate SchoolNazioarteko Elkartasuna-Solidaridad InternacionalNelson Mandela UniversityNetherlands Council for Higher EducationNew Era CollegeNew York Institute of TechnologyNew York State Educational DepartmentNewberry CollegeNewcastle UniversityNiagara Country Community CollegeNorth Carolina Agricultural and Technical State UniversityNorth Carolina State UniversityNorth Central Arkansas Mental Health CenterNorth West UniversityNortheast Missouri State UniversityNortheastern UniversityNorthern Illinois UniversityNorthern Virginia Community CollegeNorthwest Regional Educational LaboratoryNyenrode Business UniversiteitOffice of Career EducationOffice of EducationOhio Northern UniversityOhio State UniversityOklahoma State UniversityOld Dominion UniversityOntario Committee on University AffairsOntario Institute for Studies in EducationOrange Coast CollegeOregon Health and Science UniversityOregon State UniversityOrganization for Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentOrganization of American StatesOU School of Community MedicinePace UniversityPacific Lutheran UniversityPalo Alto CollegePan American World AirwaysPan-European UniversityPembroke State UniversityPennsylvania State UniversityPeterborough, New HampshirePhilippines University, Batangas Piedmont Virginia Community CollegePima Community CollegePolaroid CorporationPort Elizabeth TechnikonPortland State UniversityPrice WaterhousePrince of Songkla UniversityPuentes de Salud Health CenterPurdue UniversityQatar UniversityQueen's UniversityQueens College, City University of New YorkQueensland University of TechnologyRavensburg University of Cooperative EducationRegis CollegeRepublic Steel CorporationRhode Island CollegeRhode Island UniversityRiyadh College of TechnologyRizal Technological CollegeRMIT UniversityRMIT VietnamRochester Institute of TechnologyRogers State CollegeRoyal Roads UniversityRutgers UniversityRyerson UniversityRyerson University,Saatchi & SaatchiSaint Joseph's UniversitySaint Mary's UniversitySaint Peter's CollegeSaint Vincent CollegeSalt Lake Community CollegeSam Houston State UniversitySan Antonio CollegeSan Francisco State UniversitySavannah College of Art and DesignSchenectady County Community CollegeScience Research AssociatesSeattle UniversitySeton Hall UniversityShanxi Agricultural UniversitySheffield City PolytechnicShifa Tameer-e-Millat UniversitySimon Fraser UniversitySinclair Community CollegeSingapore Institute of TechnologySmith CollegeSolent UniversitySomerset Community CollegeSoutheast Missouri State UniversitySouthern Association of Colleges and SchoolsSouthern Cross UniversitySouthern Cross UnversitySouthern Illinois UniversitySouthwest CollegeSpring Garden CollegeSt. John’s UniversityStanford UniversityState Council of Higher EducationState of FloridaState University of New YorkState University of New York, BinghamtonStellenbosch UniversityStephens CollegeStillman CollegeStockham Valves and FittingsStony Brook UniversitySuranaree University of TechnologySwedish Employers' ConfederationSwedish Medical CenterSwinburne University of TechnologySyntex CorporationSyracuse UniversityTAPLINKTaylor's UniversityTechnical University of MadridTemple UniversityTennessee Technological UniversityTennessee Wesleyan CollegeTexas A&M UniversityTexas Christian UniversityTexas State UniversityThe American UniversityThe City University of New YorkThe City University of New York, City College of New YorkThe City University of New York, College of Staten IslandThe College BoardThe College of LawThe Dow Chemical CompanyThe Hebrew University of JerusalemThe Hong Kong Institute of EducationThe Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityThe North Carolina Center for Nonprofit OrganizationsThe Open University The Open University of Hong KongThe Rockefeller FoundationThe University of MelbourneThe University of QueenslandThe University of TampaThe University of Texas at ArlingtonThe University of Western AustraliaThomas More CollegeThompson Rivers UniversityTidewater Community College, Virginia Beach CampusTorrens UniversityTowson UniversityTraining Resources Group, Inc.Training TechnologiesTrakya UniversityTrenton State CollegeTri-State CollegeTufts UniversityTung Wah CollegeU.S. Chamber of CommerceU.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest ServiceUludag UniversityUnion CollegeUnitec Institute of TechnologyUnited Arab Emirates UniversityUnited Nations Development ProgramUnited Nations Institute for Training and ResearchUniversal College of LearningUniversidad Autonoma de MadridUniversidad Autónoma de MadridUniversidad Católica Silva HenríquezUniversidad de DeustoUniversidad de SalamancaUniversidad del Valle de AtemajacUniversidad Francisco de VitoriaUniversidad Politécnica de MadridUniversidad Santo TomasUniversitas Agung PodomoroUniversitat de BarcelonaUniversitat Jaume IUniversité Lumière Lyon 2Universiti Kebangsaan MalaysiaUniversiti Malaysia SarawakUniversiti Teknologi MalaysiaUniversity College DublinUniversity College of Cape BretonUniversity hospitals LeuvenUniversity of AdelaideUniversity of AkronUniversity of AlabamaUniversity of Alabama - BirminghamUniversity of Alabama, BirminghamUniversity of AlbertaUniversity of ArizonaUniversity of ArkansasUniversity of AucklandUniversity of BotswanaUniversity of BradfordUniversity of British ColumbiaUniversity of BurgosUniversity of CalgaryUniversity of California, BerkeleyUniversity of California, DavisUniversity of California, Los Angeles University of CanberraUniversity of CanterburyUniversity of Cape TownUniversity of ChicagoUniversity of CincinnatiUniversity of ConnecticutUniversity of CordobaUniversity of CumbriaUniversity of DelawareUniversity of DenverUniversity of DerbyUniversity of Detroit MercyUniversity of Economics Ho Chi Minh CityUniversity of ExeterUniversity of FloridaUniversity of Fraser ValleyUniversity of GeorgiaUniversity of GranadaUniversity of Granada, MelillaUniversity of GreenwichUniversity of GuelphUniversity of Hawai’i, ManoaUniversity of HoustonUniversity of IdahoUniversity of IllinoisUniversity of Illinois, Springfield University of IndianapolisUniversity of IowaUniversity of IsfahanUniversity of JohannesburgUniversity of KansasUniversity of LagosUniversity of LethbridgeUniversity of LimerickUniversity of LleidaUniversity of LondonUniversity of Louisiana at LafayetteUniversity of LouisvilleUniversity of MaltaUniversity of ManitobaUniversity of MarylandUniversity of MassachusettsUniversity of Massachusetts, AmherstUniversity of Massachusetts, Lowell University of MichiganUniversity of Michigan, DearbornUniversity of MinnesotaUniversity of MississippiUniversity of MissouriUniversity of NavarraUniversity of NebraskaUniversity of NevadaUniversity of New EnglandUniversity of New HampshireUniversity of New MexicoUniversity of New South WalesUniversity of NewcastleUniversity of North CarolinaUniversity of North Carolina, WilmingtonUniversity of North DakotaUniversity of North GeorgiaUniversity of North Texas, DentonUniversity of Northern British ColumbiaUniversity of Northern ColoradoUniversity of Northern IowaUniversity of Notre DameUniversity of OtagoUniversity of OttawaUniversity of PennsylvaniaUniversity of Petroleum and MineralsUniversity of PittsburghUniversity of PretoriaUniversity of QueenslandUniversity of ReginaUniversity of San DiegoUniversity of Santiago de CompostelaUniversity of SaskatchewanUniversity of SkovdeUniversity of South AfricaUniversity of South AustraliaUniversity of South DakotaUniversity of South FloridaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaUniversity of Southern MaineUniversity of Southern QueenslandUniversity of SunderlandUniversity of SurreyUniversity of SydneyUniversity of TasmaniaUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of Tennessee, ChattanoogaUniversity of Texas at El PasoUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical SchoolUniversity of Texas Southwestern School of Health ProfessionsUniversity of the Basque CountryUniversity of the Basque Country, LeioaUniversity of the Fraser ValleyUniversity of the Free StateUniversity of the PacificUniversity of the PhilippinesUniversity of the Sunshine CoastUniversity of TorontoUniversity of Toronto MississaugaUniversity of Toronto ScarboroughUniversity of ValenciaUniversity of VermontUniversity of VeronaUniversity of VictoriaUniversity of VirginiaUniversity of WaikatoUniversity of Waikato,University of WashingtonUniversity of WaterlooUniversity of West FloridaUniversity of West LondonUniversity of WinchesterUniversity of WindsorUniversity of Wisconsin, MilwaukeeUniversity of Wisconsin- Eu ClarieUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonUniversity of WollongongUniversity of WolverhamptonUniversity of ZagrebUniversity WestUrbana UniversityUS Civil Service CommissionUtah State UniversityUtah Technical College at Salt LakeUtrecht UniversityValdosta State UniversityVanderbilt UniversityVermont Higher Education CouncilVictoria Institute of TechnologyVictoria UniversityVirginia Commonwealth UniversityVirginia Polytechnic InstituteVocational Education, Florida Department of EducationVoest-AplineVorhees CollegeVrije Universiteit AmsterdamWaikato Institute of TechnologyWalt Disney World CompanyWalter Reed Army Institute of ResearchWashburn UniversityWashington UniversityWashtenaw Community CollegeWaterford Institute of TechnologyWayne State UniversityWebsterWest Chester University of PennsylvaniaWest Georgia CollegeWestcoast ConnectionWestern Carolina UniversityWestern Sydney UniversityWestern UniversityWeyerhaeuserWhakatohea Maori Trust BoardWhittier CollegeWichita State UniversityWidener UniversityWilberforce UniversityWilfrid Laurier UniversityWilliam Jewel CollegeWilliam Paterson UniversityWinchester-Seeto ConsultancyWorld Association for Cooperative EducationWright State UniversityWuhan University of TechnologyXavier UniversityYale UniversityZayed UniversityZimbabwe Open University

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